Planning & Transportation

Provide Input on the Orange County Bus Plan

Over the next two weeks, Orange County will be holding public outreach sessions to get feedback from central and rural Orange County residents about the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Residents are invited to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services under the plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator.

Four meetings will be held throughout northern Orange County in August. The dates and locations are as follows, and can also be found on the OP calendar.

Central & Rural Orange County Future Bus Service Public Forum

Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.

As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Mebane Arts & Community Center, 633 Corregidor Street, Mebane

Central & Rural Orange County Future Bus Service Public Forum

Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.

As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm


Efland-Cheeks Community Center, 117 Richmond Road, Efland

Central & Rural Orange County Future Bus Service Public Forum

Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.

As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.


Thursday, August 8, 2013 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Northern Human Services Center Cafeteria, Cedar Grove Park, 5800 NC Hwy. 86

Central & Rural Orange County Future Bus Service Public Forum

Orange County is holding public meetings to discuss options for new, expanded and existing bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be brought for public input will include rural service routes, regional service routes, and the Hillsborough Circulator. The purpose of the outreach is to obtain information regarding community bus service needs and assist in the design of future services.

As the meetings will be conducted primarily in an “open house” format, feel free to come when you can. A presentation may be given a couple of times during the course of the evening to best accommodate attendees.


Monday, August 5, 2013 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Fairview Community Policing Center, Fairview Park, 501 Rainey Avenue, Hillsborough



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