Is Donna Coffey an Orange County School Board progressive candidate?

I know there has not been a lot of talk about the Orange County School Board Race but....  

Does anyone know what is going on with Donna Coffey?  I see that she got the endorsement by the INDY, but she is also getting the endorsement from the Orange County Republican Party as “the conservative candidate”, in fact they had a meeting 2 Saturday’s ago (17th) at the Cedar Grove Ruritan Club to Introduce her….

You can't be a Progressive Candidate if you’re endorsed by the Orange County GOP as “The Conservative Candidate”!



Read her answers to the questions posed by Orange County Voice, in particular her views on sex education in the schools. Doesn't sound very conservative to me. I think conservatives like that she has so much experience with finances. She's very money smart. It's a nonpartisan race, anyways. Liberals and conservatives could very well both be interested in having her on the board.

Are you trying to say that the Indy is not an objective and diverse newspaper?

I've known Donna for almost 30 years, as a colleague. She is practical, flexible, detail to big picture perceptive, and was supportive of diversity in her office. I never discussed politics with her or social issues. I'm not in the district but if I were I would vote for Donna.


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