Neighbors come out tonight

These events are always very fun, with friendly neighbors and good music. Wear a hat and bring a fan!

Neighborhood Night Out

Tuesday, Aug. 8, is "Neighborhood Night Out: Unity, Street by Street." The Chapel Hill Police Department, Carrboro Police Department and Empowerment Inc. are jointly sponsoring the event.

Registration will be held at 6 p.m. at the Carolina Carwash, 414 E. Main St., and the walk will begin at 6:30 p.m. There will be community speakers, entertainment, refreshments and gifts for those who participate. The walk will end at Hargraves Community Center, 216 N. Roberson St.

Event sponsors include AT&T, Carolina Carwash, Myoshin, Carrburritos, Carolina Brewery, Pro Fresh D.J., Top of the Hill, UNC-Chapel Hill, and the Northside, Pine Knolls Carr Court and Lloyd Street neighborhood associations.
Residents are encouraged to turn on their porch lights to show support.

Remember Hiroshima

Sorry for the late notice, I just found out about this event going on tonight to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima:

From Hiroshima to Iraq: Take the Nuclear Option off the Table
Monday, August 6th 2007 7:00 pm

"From Hiroshima to Iraq: Take the Nuclear Option off the Table", a commemoration. Welcome from Chapel Hill Town Council Member Mark Kleinschmidt, proclamation of Mayor Mark Chilton, University of North Carolina historian Wayne Lee speaks on "War, the Nuclear Option, and Habits of Mind", readings, music by Catherine Grodensky and Jim Magaw, candle lighting ceremony and chanting led by members of the Chapel Hill Zen Center. Children's activities.

Gene Strowd Rose Garden, Chapel Hill Community Center Park Estes Drive opposite Chapel Hill Post Office Chapel Hill NC 27514

Sponsored By:
Orange County Peace Coalition (NC)
- United for Peace & Justice : Events

Free water in Hillsborough this month

This just in from the Town of Hillsborough:

The U.S. Postal Service has misplaced about 5,000 Town of Hillsborough water/sewer bills.

The bills were delivered to the Hillsborough Post Office early last week and should have been received by customers by Aug. 1. Payment is due by Aug. 25.

If the Post Office is unable to find the bills by this Wednesday, the town will reprint the bills as long as the data can be retrieved, Hillsborough Finance Director Greg Siler said.
If the bills can be reprinted, customers should expect to receive them by early next week. Any customers who do not receive a bill this month should call or come by the Water/Sewer Billing and Collections Office to find out how much is owed. Payments may be mailed or paid at the office.
If customers receive two bills in August, they should disregard one.

Uh right, like people are going to march on down there and ask to pay the bills they haven't received. Good luck, Hillsborough! If I was you, I'd sue the USPS for the lost revenue. I hope you don't charge late fees for customers who didn't get their bills.

Preserve the Early Voting Site Near UNC

The Orange County Board of Elections will be deciding on Tuesday, August 7th on whether to move the one-stop early voting site from UNC's campus to the Seymour Senior Center off Homestead Road.

We have the following objections to the proposed move:

1. The Seymour Senior Center creates a significant impediment to voting for students, faculty, staff and the many community members that live/work in and around downtown.
2. Moving the site away from campus will adversely impact student engagement in the upcoming election.
3. With the passage of the same-day voter registration bill, more students are likely to vote this fall. Moving the site will hurt these efforts.
4. If we want to encourage students to take an interest or an active role in their community, we should not making voting inaccessible to many who cannot make it to the Seymour Center.
5. Many faculty and staff that work on or near campus benefit from having a central voting site on campus.
6. A better location can be found that will benefit both students and residents of Chapel Hill.

Orange County Comprehensive Plan Update

Orange County is about to complete Phase 1 of its Comprehensive Plan Update. At 7:00 pm on Tuesday, August 7 there will be a Public Information Meeting at New Hope Elementary School (click for Google Map) hosted by Orange County Planning staff. The meeting is intended to explain the purpose of and process for the Update, as well as receive feedback regarding the County's Draft Goals (PDF) that will be presented at a Public Hearing on August 27th. For the latest official information about the Orange County Comprehensive Plan Update you can visit the Orange County planning department.



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