CHALT Again Distorts the Truth About Growth

The recent talk by John Quinterno has been distorted again by CHALT, somehow taking the fact that Chapel Hill and Orange County have grown the least by far of any area of the Triangle and using that as proof of the Town Council's out of control growth policy. 

This Week in Orange Politics: October 19-25

Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange County boards are meeting this week. Both school boards and the Hillsborough Town Board are not. Early voting starts this Thursday.

Forum Open Thread: Chapel Hill Town Council

Welcome to the open thread for the Chapel Hill Town Council candidate forum.

OP Live Candidate Forum: Chapel Hill Town Council

The Weave: Diminishing Worker Democracy

I try now to write sparingly in OP about matters pertaining to our local grocery co-op, Weaver Street Market, where I attempt to be an active worker-owner.

But the WSM management are currently proposing changes to the WSM Board Policy ‘Treatment of Staff’ which dramatically diminish the few remaining co-operative and economic rights WSM employees still retain, and we workers need the support of the some 18,000 WSM consumer-owners in rejecting these changes.

We workers learned of the proposed changes only this past Friday (October 16), and we have until October 26 to register objection.

WSM Employee Policy (as of two years ago) now prevents me reproducing the text of the proposed changes publicly. In what one local newspaper editor has described as an anti-whistleblower whistleblower policy.



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