The News & Observer has a new blog dedicated to their Orange and Chatham County coverage called Orange Chat.
Did you ever read a story and say, "I wish the reporter had asked ..."
Well, the truth is sometimes we did but there wasn't space to put it in the paper.
Welcome to Orange Chat, where we hope to expand on the Orange and Chatham County coverage we provide in The News and Observer and The Chapel Hill News, and where we hope you'll tell us how we're doing.
Send us your questions, criticisms and suggestions.
And thanks for reading.
Mark Schultz
- Welcome to Orange Chat, 1/18/07
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.
Local bloggers are continuing the tradition of great live events. First there was the Triangle Bloggers Conference (video), then PodcasterCon, and now we have the North Carolina Science Blogging Conference.
Its this Saturday January 20 on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill in Murphey Hall, Room 116. The event gets going at 8:30 a.m. and wraps up at 5:30 p.m.. There are pre-events and post-events like dinner. See the NCSB Con schedule for more info.
So far over 150 people have registered. People are coming from all over the country and the world. Because of the limited seating and food there is a registration waiting list, so you can register now to try and squeeze in.
Tonight the Chapel Hill Town Council will hold public hearings on Greenbridge and University Village, will review some concept plans which I know nothing about, and then will hear a petition from the Planning Board about the process for updating the Comprehensive Plan... about which I have something to say. (Here's tonight's Council agenda.)Greenbridge is the radical plan for what I think would be the tallest building in Orange County - though I doubt that height record will stand for long. We have discussed this proposal here on OP. There are many complex issues involved, but I think most people's opinions on it comes down to two things:1. Whether you are invested in a transit-friendly future Chapel Hill that allows for some growth but no sprawl, and2.
I'd like to think that The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be proud to see communities like ours that remember him through acts of protest and radicalism. Do your part on Monday.
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP is holding a march and rally against war and racism on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, January 15. Gather at noon at the Post Office on Franklin St. in Chapel Hill and march to the First Baptist Church on Robeson St. At the church, Rev. Curtis Gatewood will give a speech stressing the importance of building a united movement against war and racism, and will continued to build momentum for the massive march in Raleigh on February 10.
... and get ready for justice to pour down like a mighty stream on February 10 in Raleigh!
The North Carolina State NAACP and invites you and your organization to Historic K(Thousands) on Jones Street on Saturday, February 10, 2007.
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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