Green County?

Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County have engaged in a program to study greenhouse gas emissions in and around their respective facilities. The first step has been to hire Toronto-based contractor ICLEI Energy Services, the technical services branch of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. According to their website, after conducting an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, the consultants typically provide clients with software and access to an extensive set of best practices from local governments around the world. "From technical software support to advice regarding the selection of an emissions reduction target, quantification questions, emissions inventory and Local Action Planning assistance, and protocol issues, IES has gained a great deal of insight into the issues faced by local governments in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions."

Disaster Relief: Orange County Delivers

With such unbelievable suffering occurring in areas ravished by Hurricane Katrina, it is becoming a little harder each day for me to concentrate on local politics. Please use this thread to alert readers to local fund-raising events and relief efforts. In the meantime, an easy and important way to extend help is by donating online at

District voting for the county

The Chapel Hill Herald reports on the second of two public hearings about establishing some kind of geographic districts for electing the Orange County Board of Commissioners.

One option calls for five commissioner seats to be nominated from districts. Voters countywide would then vote on the candidates in the general election.

Another option has five commissioner seats nominated from districts in the primary, with two additional at-large seats. Voters would elect candidates in the general election.

The final option would split the county into a northern and southern district. The northern district would have two seats; the southern district would have three. Nominations would be district-based, with voters choosing candidates from both districts in the general election.
- The Chapel Hill Herald, 9/1/05

Carrboro Cinema showing Monster Road

Opening a movie theater is one of my oldest dreams. With this first showing we're starting the journey to create a nonprofit movie theater in Carrboro. Please come out to see a great film and support the concept. Tomorrow (August 31) we're showing the film Monster Road made by locals Brett Ingram and Jim Haverkamp.

What: Monster Road, a documentary about Bruce Bickford
When: Wednesday, August 31 7:30pm (THIS WED.)
Where: Carrboro Century Center, 100 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro, NC
Why: We're starting a NONPROFIT movie theater called the Carrboro Cinema.
How Much: FREE

Here are some directions to the Carrboro Century Center in case you didn't know. You can also view a trailer of the film Monster Road here.

Got your favorite 7 numbers memorized yet?

The Lottery passed the Senate 24 to 24, Chapel Hill citizen and Lt. Gov. Bev Perdue cast the deciding vote.



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