We so often criticize the media for what they do wrong, today we have an opportunity to say thanks for a nice story by Dave Hart in today's Chapel Hill News. I didn't expect the photo to be as big as it was, but it's a pretty accurate picture of OP command central.
What makes OrangePolitics matter is the people who read it. All of us individually have opinions, but together we have critical mass. Thank you for being a part of it and making OP the vital and growing community that it is.
Please tell your friends, coworkers, and neighbors about this site so we can hear even more perspectives, and make even more positive change in Orange County!
Guest Post by Jeff Vanke
Orange County relies on RDU Airport, although only Durham and Wake County citizens have a say in its operations. The Airport Authority, including more than one construction magnate, is planning to knock down Terminal C and rebuild it. The cost is $350 million, to be paid in increased parking fees. Demolition is slated to begin around December. The situation is urgent.
Justifications range from the need for expansion, to a desire to enhance passenger flow. Further commentary and a solicitation for help is available at my one-issue blog: saverdu.org
Please consider swamping newspapers with letters, and encouraging your friends in Durham and Wake Counties to hound their elected officials, who appoint the Airport Authority members.
Jeff Vanke is a native of Durham County. He lives in Carrboro with his wife and son, where he is a full-time father and a half-time Associate Professor online at Kaplan College.
Guest Post by Jacquie Gist
For those who may not know, MoveOn is sponsoring vigils nationwide tonight to mark the 1,000th American military death in this dirty war. Actually if you count civilian contractors, which the White House does not, the 1,000th death occured weeks ago. The vigil for our community will be at the Franklin St Post Office at 8pm today. Since we will be joining with thousands of vigils around the country it really does matter if folks show up. For more information, visit action.moveon.org/vigil/ .
Jacquie is a member of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen.
[We apologize for a technical problem which delayed the posting of this time-sensitive item. -Ed.]
Your new microphones have MUTE buttons on them. They also make a very unpleasant amplified noise when you swing them back and forth from your mouth. If you use one, you won't have to do the other. Those of us playing along at home thank you.
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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