
SURGE Youth Leadership Awards Ceremony

Via Facebook:

Only $15 for students! ($25 general public)

Thursday, September 18th, 6pm
Carrboro Century Center
100 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro, NC

Come help us celebrate the achievements of young leaders from around North Carolina who have made significant contributions to the struggle for justice in our communities.

This year's finalists are :

• Chris Parker, Chapel Hill High School, is a leader of Chapel Hill High School SURGE and worked to develop the Celebration of Earth and Sky and campus biodiesel processor.

• Rosemary Johnson, Southern Guilford High School, founded a student group to encourage dialogue about gender, body image, and media representations of women.

• Student Action with Workers (SAW), at UNC-Chapel Hill, led a three-week long sit-in to demand that the UNC administration adopt a policy to ensure that university-licensed products are made in factories that respect workers rights.

• Feminist Students United (FSU), UNC-Chapel Hill, led a series of campus discussions about gender, heterosexism, and privilege.

• Andrew Zonderman, Duke University, led Duke Students against Sweatshops' efforts to convince Duke University to join the boycott of Smithfield Foods products.

• Rosie Rangel, Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF), led a coalition of rural Latino youth from migrant families in North Carolina.

• iNSIDE oUT 180 creates safe environments for LGBTQ youth by providing opportunities for them to express themselves and by educating the broader community about LGBTQ issues.

More information and tickets online at

Don't forget to join the SURGE Facebook Group!


Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 2:00pm


Century Center, Carrboro

Martin Luther King's birthday


Monday, January 14, 2008 - 7:01pm



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