
No early primary voting in Carrboro?

Carrboro was notified yesterday that their Town Hall would not be used as a one-stop early voting site in May. Apparently, the Orange County Board of Elections has decided to only have two one-stop locations for this year's primary: Morehead Planetarium in Chapel Hill, and the Board's own office in Hillsborough. The e-mail below indicates that there will still be an early voting site in Carrboro for the Novemeber general election, but doesn't offer any explanation for the primary change.

Election 2009 Maps: Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board

The maps in this post show the precinct-level results of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board election.

Election 2009 Maps: Carrboro

The maps in this post show the precinct-level results of the Carrboro mayoral and alderman elections.

Good Luck to All the Candidates

Each election, I am awed and inspired by those who have the courage and the stamina to run for office. Regardless of who we support, we should all be thankful for those who step up and put themselves on the line for the sake of their community.

Good luck to all the candidates, and thank you!

Farmers Prefer Orange County Jurisdiction

33 farmers and land owners, living in the Carrboro ETJ, have petitioned Orange County and the town of Carrboro to return jurisdiction for ETJ farms to Orange County. 





To:   The Town of Carrboro, North Carolina



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