locally grown

Locally Grown: Moving Midway screening

Starts at "sundown." 


Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 4:00pm


Wallace Plaza, downtown Chapel Hill

Locally Grown: The Neverending Story screening

Starts at "sundown." 


Thursday, July 15, 2010 - 4:00pm


Wallace Plaza, downtown Chapel Hill

Locally Grown: Big Fish screening

Starts at "sundown."


Thursday, July 8, 2010 - 4:00pm


Wallace Plaza, downtown Chapel Hill

Locally Grown: Southern Culture on the Skids concert

The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership and The Town of Chapel Hill present:   

Locally Grown Downtown Summer Series


Cometo the Wallace Plaza, on top of the Wallace Parking Deck, all summerlong for great free outdoor concerts and movies. This summer's seriesfeatures performances by three of the Triangle's top acts: SouthernCulture on the Skids, The Old Ceremony, and more!  More Details on theConcerts Page.  Each concert will feature an open-air beer gardenserving Carolina Brewery Drafts! Concerts start at 7:00.


The summer's film series features wonderful locally focused films as well as fun movies for the whole family!  The Varsity on Franklinwill be supplying concessions for all movies.  Bring a chair or ablanket and enjoy the summer evenings in Downtown.  Movies start atsundown so grab some food Downtown and have a picnic dinner on WallacePlaza!

The Locally Grown series will encourage community members to “buy local, eat local and be local” in downtown Chapel Hill.

Series Schedule:

June 24 - Southern Culture on the Skids (concert)

July 8 - Blood Done Sign My Name (film)

July 15 - The Neverending Story (film)

July 22 - Moving Midway (film)

July 29 - The Old Ceremony (concert)

August 5 - Babe (film)

August 12 - Sherman's March (film)

August 19 - Fantastic Mr. Fox (film)

August 26 - T.B.A. (concert) 


Thursday, June 24, 2010 - 3:00pm


Wallace Plaza, downtown Chapel Hill



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