Monday, January 14, 2008 - 7:01pm
I assume that everyone knows that, back in June, the Town Council
created a discussion committee rather than act on the proposed renaming
of Airport Road to Martin Luther King Jr Blvd (by a 5-4 vote
orchestrated by Mayor Foy along with Council-members Verkerk and
From today's Chapel Hill News:
"I found the whole thing really embarrassing," Sinreich
said. "I was shocked the council was not able to take what I see
as a really big step to affirm the civil rights movement. There are
real, significant changes that need to be made. This isn't one. This is
a token gesture that says, 'Thanks for all you've done and sorry
you've been treated like crap.'"
The News' lengthy article only touched on the ongoing racial
problems in Chapel Hill. Lots of good quotes but Ruby really nailed it.
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