teen health

Healthy Youth Act (HB 88)

**Cross posted on Amplify** (http://www.amplifyyourvoice.org/u/dandaman6007/2009/2/9/Healthy-Youth-Act)

Thursday, February 5th, the Healthy Youth Act (House Bill 88) was officially filed in the North Carolina House of Representatives. The Healthy Youth Act would require schools to offer a two-track system for teaching sex education in North Carolina- one for abstinence-only education and another for comprehensive sex education. Parents decide which track their child will take.

Time for comprehensive sex education in NC!

**Cross posted on Amplify** (http://www.amplifyyourvoice.org/u/dandaman6007/2009/1/27/Its-time-for-comprehensive-sex-education-in-North-Carolina--NCYLC-blog)


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