voting turn out

Election Day 11/8/16

I'm sorry to see the election activity on Orange Politics is minimal these days. I volunteered at Kings Mill Precinct this morning. By 10 AM about 130 people had voted. The most common question was who were the District Judge candidates. FYI. For NC District Court Judge District 15B, Long is on the ballot but has withdrawn. I hope folks will vote for Sherri Murrell. She spoke at the candidate forums and comes highly recommended by people involved in the local judicial system. The last week I have been in Wake, Allamance and Granville counties. Some voters still think they needed an ID to vote or that if you have a felony conviction you can't vote. I met several 18 year olds who were not registered to vote. Everyone who I talked to said they had either voted early or were going to vote today. Hope it turns out that way.



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