Speaking of Cyclists...
Matthew Lee does it again, this time in celebration of the inaugural Carrboro/Chapel-Hill Cruiser ride three years ago.
While the ReCYCLEry does not host Cruiser Tuesdays, you will ind a lot of us participating! For more information, please
read the following:
Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
What: Cruiser Tuesday dress up and ride
Where: Starting at the newest BUB Hub location,
Johnny's Sporting Goods, 901 W. Main Street, Carrboro
When: 7:00pm gathering, 7:30pm ride
Theme: Funky Formal -- semi-formal, fully funky!
It's a social cycling mobile dancing costume party. Usually there's a theme, and quite often a Pabst tasting or a final stop at the Resevoir. It's NOT a "critical mass" type ride; we obey all street lights and traffic rules and do not block motorists. All bikes and skill levels are welcome.
Matthew has a Cruiser Tuesday blog with photos and details: http://www.cruisertuesday.blogspot.com/
Here's an article describing how Matthew Lee brought it to the Triangle: http://www.recyclery.info/node/43
RSVP at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=77805670496