Over on the Carrboro bike/ped thread I inadvertently hijacked it by bringing up a topic that was loosely related. (Sorry Rickie!) So lets move it over here.
To prevent global disaster we need to look in own our backyards for change. One good way to do this is by examining how we use and generate electricity. Should the University of North Carolina continue to generate electricity by burning coal? Is a "cleaner" solution to electricity generation doing enough? Can we really have a Al Gore hater running a power plant in Chapel Hill? (That last one was a joke folks. Ok I thought it was funny. Sheesh.)
Sadly global climate change is no joke.
To prevent global disaster we need to look in own our backyards for change. One good way to do this is by examining how we use and generate electricity. Should the University of North Carolina continue to generate electricity by burning coal? Is a "cleaner" solution to electricity generation doing enough? Can we really have a Al Gore hater running a power plant in Chapel Hill? (That last one was a joke folks. Ok I thought it was funny. Sheesh.)
Sadly global climate change is no joke.