PTA Thrift Shop in Carrboro development

In all the other high profile developments going on, I don't think there's been any mention here or in other media of another bold proposal -- the redevelopment of the PTA Thrift Shop in Carrboro.

Seems to me this is an interesting proposal.   They are using multiple revenue streams to avoid a huge capital campaign (although whether folks will feel tapped out by this going on same time as IFC remains to be seen).  And they are increasing the public good they serve beyond just the re-use of goods to maximize the use of the land they own -- options for retail, office and restaurant/entertainment spacein addition to their store. 


PTA and League of Women Voters OC Commissioner Live-Blog

Yup, I will be live-blogging yet another OC Commish forum for you guys! The forum is Wednesday April 14 in the Chapel Hill Council Chambers.

My coverage will be right here starting at 7pm. If you don't particularly want to go to the forum OR read my live-blog (where I periodically diverge on rants about people asking me to type softer)--the forum will also be televised live on the government access, Time Warner channel 18.

Scheduled to attend so far are: Joal Hall Broun, Alice Gordon, Barry Jacobs, Earl McKee, Joe Phelps and Renee Price.


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