I just received this PDF of the Town of Chapel Hill's Personnel Appeals Committee from the attorney for the "Sanitation 2" Al McSurely, who writes: "Two out of five ain't bad. The decision for Ms. Rebecca Clark's nephew is due out this weekend, Sunday. We will be holding a Sanitation 2 Support Service next week, as this popular education process begins to move into its second phase. "
Three committee members voted against each of the points of Kerry Bigelow's appeal, and in most cases two voted for the appeal. A decision on Clyde Clark, the other half of the "2" is expected this weekend. The members are: Chair Anita Badrock, Delores Bailey, Asila Calhoun, Jim Curis, and Derek Hoar. The memo does not state which members voted in which ways.
Here's an excerpt from one of the findings...