Will YMCA Merger Include Equal Benefits for All Employees?

On Tuesday, June 3, at 6:00 pm, the Board of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA is likely to announce that it will merge with the YMCA of the Triangle Association (YOTA). The meeting will take place at Amity Church, 825 N Estes Drive, adjacent to the CHCYMCA.

Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA waits until no one is looking, signs 1-year management agreement with the YMCA of the Triangle

Back in March, the CHCYMCA Board of Directors stated during their board meeting that all plans to merge with the YMCA of the Triangle were on indefinite hold after a commuity outcry because of the discriminatory practices of the YMCA of the Triangle.  More on this story can be found in this OP post, this post, and this post.

However, members of the Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA received this email from the interim CEO yesterday (Oct. 18th, 2012):

Community Opposition to Potential YMCA Merger

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA (CHCYMCA) is still considering entering a management services agreement (or merger) with the YMCA of the Triangle Area (YOTA), as evidenced by its recent passage of a motion to allow the chair of the board of directors to form a small committee to define how the CHCYMCA will work with YOTA. This is very concerning considering YOTA's lack of inclusive nondiscrimination policies, not to mention the lack of transparency being shown by the CHCYMCA board of directors, which was set to vote on a motion to begin negotiating the management services agreement before things got too hot and they opted for this motion instead.


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