
2013 Bob Sheldon Award Honors Organizers in NC Prisons

From Internationalist Books:

Bob Sheldon founded Internationalist Books in 1981, and ran the shop for ten years, until his death in 1991. 23 years after his death, Bob’s memory endures through the friends, family and community that knew him, the work he did, and the project he began that has continued for decades to inspire political action in North Carolina and bring people together.

From Activist to Terrorist: A Discussion with Will Potter and Jake Conroy

The FBI labels animal rights and environmental activists the “number one domestic terrorism threat,” and new laws turn activism into “terrorism” if it hurts corporate profits. How did this happen? Why are undercover investigators and those who use non-violent civil disobedience being treated so disproportionately? And what are the real life consequences for the activists who are investigated, and even sent to prison, as domestic terrorists? Journalist Will Potter and activist Jake Conroy will explore these questions from first hand perspectives.



Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 7:00pm


104 Howell Hall, UNC Campus

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