Carrboro Board of Alderman

This Week in Orange Politics: June 1-7

Budgets will be the focus for the both the county commissioners, Chapel Hill Town Council and Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board this week. The Carrboro Alderfolks will talk about the rezoning of the Triem/South Green Lot, while the county commissioners will discuss the Eubanks Road Solid Waste Convenience Center and Southern Government Services Center in addition to their already-mentioned work on the budget. GoTriangle will present the environmental impact studies done of the Durham-Orange light rail corridor.

Both the Hillsborough Town Board and Orange County Board of Education are on break this week.

Here's the 



This Week in Orange Politics: April 27-May 3

Two big items are the agenda this week for Orange County’s governing bodies. Tonight, the Chapel Hill Town Council will meet to discuss potentially filling its vacant seat, and on Tuesday, the county commissioners will meet with both of the county’s school boards to discuss budgets for the upcoming fiscal year and a potential bond for capital needs in 2016.

Elsewhere across the county, the Carrboro Alderfolks will talk about rezoning the Triem Lot and the Chapel Hill Town Council will consider the potential 2016 bond and Obey Creek. The Hillsborough Town Board will will review applications for an affordable housing project, while the county school board will discuss its IT operations.

Here’s the whole rundown:



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