Important dates and data:
- One-stop voting, October 18 - 1 pm November 3rd
- Election, November 6th , 6:30 am - 7:30 pm
Unlike the rest of OrangePolitics, the information provided on this section of the site is NON-PARTISAN. For opinions and current news, see our blog discussions at, especially the personal endorsements of OP readers. If your questions are not answered here, please visit the Board of Elections for Orange County or the State of North Carolina.
Contents: Results | Candidates | Guides & resources | Maps | Events
Precinct maps by Damon Seils.
Carrboro![]() |
Chapel Hill![]() |
(All races are nonpartisan, at-large elections. i = incumbent) Campaign finance data is from
- Chapel Hill Mayor (1 seat)
Kevin Foy (i)
Kevin Wolff - Chapel Hill Town Council (4 of 8 seats)
Matt Czajkowski
Sally Greene (i)
Cam Hill (i)
David Charles Nash withdrew
Will Raymond
Penny Rich
Bill Strom (i)
Jim Ward (i) - Carrboro Mayor (1 seat)
Mark Chilton (i)
Chuck Morton
Brian Voyce - Carrboro Board of Aldermen (3 of 6 seats)
Frank Abernethy
Joal Hall Broun (i)
Dan Coleman (i)
Sharon Cook
Lydia Lavelle
Katrina Ryan - Hillsborough Mayor (1 seat)
Tom Stevens (i) - Hillsborough Town Commissioners (3 of 5 seats)
Eric Hallman (i)
Evelyn Lloyd (i)
Brian Lowen (i)
Bryant Kelly Warren Jr. - Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education (4 of 7 seats)
Jamezetta Bedford (i)
ia Day Burroughs
Michael Kelley (i)
Mehar Safvi withdrew
Anetta Streater (i)
Gary Wallach
Guides & resources
- The People's Channel interviews with local candidates
- Sierra Club endorsements
- League of Women Voters candidate forums video: Chapel Hill & Carrboro
- Audio recording of political forum organized by Carrboro Citizen, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, Community Action Network, EmPOWERment Incorporated, and WCHL for Carrboro and Chapel Hill candidates.>
- News & Observer Voter Guide
- Independent Weekly candidate questionnaires
- Friends of Bolin Creek Carrboro Candidate Questionnaire (Word DOC, 88k)
Dynamic maps:
2007 candidates (by Ruby Sinreich)
Municipal & County Elected Officials (by Robert Peterson)
polling sites - where we vote (by Damon Seils)
voting districts or “precincts” (by Damon Seils)
Campaign events
- Mon 9/17, 7 pm: Sierra Club Forum - Carrboro Candidates, Carrboro Town Hall and cable TV access
- Tues 9/18, 7 pm: Sierra Club Forum - Hillsborough Candidates, Gordon Battle Courtroom and cable TV access
- Tues 9/25, 7 pm: Sierra Club Forum - Chapel Hill Candidates, Chapel Hill Town Hall and cable TV access
- Wed 9/26 7 pm: League of Women Voters Forum - Carrboro candidates, Carrboro Town Hall (TV?)
- Wed 10/1 7 pm: League of Women Voters Forum - Chapel Hill candidates, Chapel Hill Town Hall (TV?)
- Tues 10/9, 7 pm: Chamber of Commerce, EmPOWERment, WCHL and Community Action Network Forum - Chapel Hill candidates, Hargraves Community Center
- Wed 10/10, 7 pm: Chamber of Commerce, EmPOWERment, WCHL and Community Action Network Forum - Carrboro candidates, Carrboro Town Hall
- Mon 10/15 7 pm: PTA Council and League of Women Voters - Board of Education Candidate Forum, Chapel Hill Town Hall
- Thur 10/18, 3 pm: Carol Woods Candidate Forum for Chapel Hill candidates (750 Weaver Dairy Road, Chapel Hill)
- Sat 10/27, 3pm: Chapel Hill Town Council Candidates Forum sponsored by Cedar Hills, Booker Creek, Eastside, and Weaver Dairy Precincts, Chapel Hill Public Library meeting room
These are the current office holders whose terms are expiring this year.- Chapel Hill Mayor - Kevin C. Foy
- Chapel Hill Town Council
- Carrboro Mayor - Mark Chilton
- Carrboro Board of Aldermen
- Joal Hall Broun
- Alex Zaffron
- Dan Coleman
- Hillsborough Mayor - Tom Stevens
- Hillsborough Board of Commissioners
- CHCCS Board of Education:
- Jamezetta Bedford
- Elizabeth Carter
- Mike Kelley
- Annetta Streater
As always, this page will be updated and added to until these races are decided. Definitive information is available from the Orange County Board of Elections. Last updated 11/02/07 by Ruby Sinreich. Thanks to James Barrett and Andrea Rohrbacher for research assistance, and to Damon Seils and Robert Peterson for map making.