Campaigning in Chapel Hill

Hi Orange Politics Friends. Today I start blogging about my campaign. Just the everyday stuff. Please feel free to ask me questions so this can also be a conversation.  

Today I spent the day addressing envelopes and writing notes to people to ask for their support in my bid for Town Council.

 It is a strange feeling to ask for money for something other than earthquake victims, scholarships, or all the other worthy causes I have been fundraising for in the last 18 years. This time I am asking for money I will spend (hopefully) on signs, brochures and stickers and maybe even some t-shirts to wear to the polls. 

 I thought I would feel guilty, but I don't. I realize that folks around here know my politics, and those who share my concern for the future of out town--the need to keep it beautiful yet affordable, to do better by pedestrians and bikers, to have better collaboration among agencies, to bring innovation and suitable development--will get their money's worth if I am elected. 

I am tired but happy. Through emails and the letters I will post tomorrow, I am letting dozens of people know that I want to be a voice on Town Council, and that I am willing to listen and speak for them. Some may not be able to send any money, but I hope when they get my email and/or letter, they will at least know how much I want their vote.



It was great to get the official letter in the mail this week: "Dear Ms. Palmer, We are pleased to inform you that the Triangle Labor Council and the North Carolina State AFL-CIO have endorsed your cndidacy for Chapel Hill City Council. ...   Please feel free to share our decision with the media and in your campaign materials." THANK YOU, Triangle Labor Council and NC AFL-CIO!  I am proud to stand with the working women and men of our community.Maria T. Palmer

Congrats, Maria! I think this is the first time I have seen the AFL-CIO make endorsements in our municipal races. Glad to have their input and attention locally.

I received the endorsement of the NC AFL-CIO and Triangle Labor Council, as did others besides Maria Palmer and me. I'm sure the other two will let us know.   I also received the endorsement of the Triangle Apartment Association, which takes a strong interest in Chapel Hill because, with over 50 percent of the dwelling units being rental, they have a lot of building owners in their membership. Another also received that endorsement. They have not been explicit as to the reasons, but apparently were selective in their choices. I have learned to take them as they come. Ed Harrison

To finish up the group, Loren Hintz and Sally Greene were both endorsed by the NC AFL-CIO and Triangle Labor Council along with Ed and Maria.George Cianciolo was the only Chapel Hill candidate endorsed by the Triangle Apartment Association other than Ed.

I received the second endorsement of the Triangle Apartments Association.  As Ed mentioned they didn't specify why and whether the determinations werre based soley on their questionnaire or included other criteria.


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