Hi Orange Politics Friends. Today I start blogging about my campaign. Just the everyday stuff. Please feel free to ask me questions so this can also be a conversation.
Today I spent the day addressing envelopes and writing notes to people to ask for their support in my bid for Town Council.
It is a strange feeling to ask for money for something other than earthquake victims, scholarships, or all the other worthy causes I have been fundraising for in the last 18 years. This time I am asking for money I will spend (hopefully) on signs, brochures and stickers and maybe even some t-shirts to wear to the polls.
I thought I would feel guilty, but I don't. I realize that folks around here know my politics, and those who share my concern for the future of out town--the need to keep it beautiful yet affordable, to do better by pedestrians and bikers, to have better collaboration among agencies, to bring innovation and suitable development--will get their money's worth if I am elected.