November 2012
The Historic Rogers Road Task Force has made progress over the past several months to redress the burden the Rogers Road community has carried in receiving the county's solid waste for over 40 years. Details of a community center are nearing completion. Habitat for Humanity of Orange County will donate two lots for the siting of the community center in the Phoenix Place subdivision. The Orange County Board of Commissioners has approved a capital project of $500,000 to build the community center. A plan is being ironed out for the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association to rent the commuity center from the county for $1 per year. The towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill will contribute to the center's programming costs.
On September 18, 2012, the Board of Aldermen agreed to contribute up to $900,000 for the remediation effort.
The Transit Partners, made up of representatives from the Carrboro Board of Alderfolks, UNC, and the Chapel Hill Town Council, met this morning to talk about options for allowing ads on the Chapel Hill Transit buses. After some discussion about the
5 options in front of them (from not allowing any ads to declaring the bus advertising space a public forum, greatly limiting acceptable ad restrictions), all members agreed, though a vote was not taken, to put forth Option 5, which would allow political and religious ads on Chapel Hill Transit buses with the, somewhat worrisome, caveat that the ads cannot be "offensive".
The Chapel Hill Town Council will discuss this recommendation when they again take up the bus ads issue on December 3.
Tracy Reams at the BoE sent me this today: "Good afternoon. Wanted to let you know that we have completed sorting through the 54,229 ballots cast prior to Election Day and the results are available on our website at PDF is report by VTD (Voting Tabulation District) where all votes cast are reported in their home precincts."
Here is the direct link all this should be graphed and mapped with spreadsheets on the state board website after Christmas
I'd note the following in a quick look at the.pdf file
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