gercohen's blog

Sample Ballots for Orange County Now Available

Here are your Orange County sample ballots for the November 6, 2018 General Election

  • G001 is Chapel Hill town limits except for Patterson Precinct.
  • G002 is mostly Carrboro but parts of other precincts mostly south of Chapel Hill. 
  • G003 is Chapel Hill town limits in Patterson Precinct (about 1,500 voters).
  • G004 is remainder of the county. 

The complete list of ballots by precinct is available on the Orange County Board of Elections website.

Orange County At-Large County Commissioner Results

On Friday, the Orange County Board of Elections finished sorting the early voting and vote-by-mail ballots back to the precincts, and here are the Democratic primary results.

May 8 Primary Turnout (It's Not What You Think)

I've seen online comments like this one on the CHALT blog:

"Only 20% of registered voters actually voted. There are nearly 106,000 registered voters in Orange County. For this primary, fewer than 20,000 voted. Less than 20%! Surely more than 20% care about our schools, law enforcement, and the county budget."

While it's surely true that 20% is a disappointing primary turnout, let's compare off-year (non-presidential) primary turnout, and remember that 2018 was the first primary since 1958 where there was NO state-wide race or state-wide referendum on the ballot to drive turnout -- and it turns out that 2018 had an unusually HIGH Democratic primary turnout.

Vote by mail

If you don't want to wait in line either during early voting or on November 8, vote by mail !

Orange County vote by mail application is here:

Another way to look at it - you'll also make the line shorter for everyone else 

June 7 primary: early vote, absentee and ballot info

On June 7 North Carolina has a statewide nonpartisan primary for Supreme Court justice, as well as congressional primaries.  Orange County is now totally in the 4th District, where David Price has no primary.  Democrats and Libertarians get just the court ballot, while Republicans (plus unaffiliated who want to vote in the GOP primary) also get the Congressional.  Polls on June 7 are open the usual 6:30 am to 7:30 pm  

Regular voter registration is already over, but at early voting same day registration and reporting of address changes is allowed


Sample ballots:

There will just be two early voting sites, BoE office and Seymour Center, both May 26-27 and May 31-June 4:



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