gercohen's blog

TTA Board to vote today on Orange Transit referendum

Triangle Transit's board will be voting this afternoon to approve the Orange County transit tax referendum. This is one of the legal requirements.  Agenda indicates 2:30 pm is the time for this part of the agenda,_2012.pdf

1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Board Room, 4600 Emperor Blvd., Suite 100 Durham, NC


primary election statsapalooza for Orange

for the 2012 first primary, age breakout of voters:

Transit votes coming up June 5 (BOCC) and 13 (DCHCMPO)

from the DCHC MPO website. The outline below does not state the date for the county commissioners vote, but it is expected to take place June 5. Approval of the bus and rail plan by the MPO is a prerequisite to holding the referencum

5041 new voters since January 1, with 1,540 of them at early voting

5041 new voters registered in Orange County since January 1, 2012, and of those 1,540 signed up to register during the early voting period. That's about 9% of the 16,498 casting early votes.

That's a good running start for the fall and a high level of new registration for a primary.

Commissioners take Transit Votes Tuesday

Item 7c on the Orange Couny Commissioners agrenda for Tuesday 5/14 7 pm (Southern Human Services Center):

c. Orange County Transit Plan and Related Agreements

The Board will consider adoption of the Orange County Transit Plan and consider approval of the Durham/Orange Cost Share Agreement, the Orange County/Triangle Transit Implementing Agreement and the Do Not Levy Agreement and authorize the Chair to sign if approved.

42 pages of detail for you to peruse. If approved, then a public hearing and vote June 5 on the actual referendum call for November



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