The full agenda for the Orange County Board of
Commissioners' regular meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 has been
posted to the link below.
Regular Meeting
February 19, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Southern Human Services Center
2501 Homestead Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC
4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations
a. Resolution
Acknowledging February 26, 2013 as Spay Neuter Day in Orange County and
Community Spay and Neuter Program Presentation
The Board will consider a
resolution officially acknowledging February 26, 2013 as "Spay Neuter
Day" in Orange County and to receive an update about the County's
Community Spay and Neuter.
6. Public Hearings
a. Senior Care of Orange County, Inc. - Lease Agreement
The Board will conduct
a statutorily required public hearing and consider approval of a
resolution authorizing a lease agreement with Senior Care of Orange
County, Inc. ("SC of OC") and authorize the Chair to sign.
b. Lease of the County-owned Building at 500 Valley Forge Road to the Piedmont Food and Agricultural Processing Center, Inc.
The Board will conduct
a statutorily required public hearing and consider entering into a
lease agreement with the Piedmont Food and Agricultural Processing
Center, Inc. regarding the occupation and lease of the building at 500
Valley Forge Road, Hillsborough and authorize the Vice-Chair to execute
the agreement.
c. Orange County's Proposed 2013 Legislative Agenda
The Board will conduct
a public hearing on Orange County's potential legislative items for the
2013 North Carolina General Assembly Session and consider identifying
three to five specific items from the entire package to highlight for priority discussion at the March 11, 2013 meeting with Orange County's legislative delegation.
7. Regular Agenda
a. North
Carolina State Clearinghouse Request for Intergovernmental Review of
Proposed Private Crossing Closures with the North Carolina Railroad
(NCRR)-Norfolk Southern (NS) Railway
The Board will
receive information on the North Carolina Department of Transportation
(NCDOT) proposal to close private North Carolina Railroad (NCRR)/Norfolk
Southern (NS) Railway crossings at Gordon Thomas Drive, Greenbriar
Drive and Byrdsville Road in Orange County, and consider a second letter
submitting scoping comments related to the project.
b. Next Steps Regarding Proposed Establishment of Three (3) New Fire Service Districts
The Board will consider scheduling
a public hearing for the April 9, 2013 regular Board meeting to
consider the establishment of the three new Fire Service Districts - the
South Orange Fire Service District, the North Chatham Fire Service
District and the Greater Chapel Hill Fire Service District.
c. Jordan Lake Allocation Process and Requirement
The Board will consider adding
funds in this year's budget process for utility engineering
study/analysis on how to distribute via infrastructure future water
allocations from Jordan Lake.
8. Reports
a. Update on Status/Implementation of Addressing and Road-Naming Ordinance
The Board will receive an update report on the status/implementation of the Road Naming and Addressing Ordinance.