February 2013
Board of Commissioners Monthly Workshop
Monday, February 25, 2013 - 7:00 p.m. Town Barn
1. Open the Workshop
2. Agenda Changes & Agenda Approval
3. Committee Updates and Reports
4. Receive the Stratford/Waterstone SAD petition and schedule a public hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for the proposed SAD
5. Other
6. Adjourn
Monday, February 25, 2013 - 7:00pm
Tweets by the OP posse and other locals of interest. See our full list of Twitter Lists below.
From Internationalist Books:
Bob Sheldon founded Internationalist Books in 1981, and ran the shop for ten years, until his death in 1991. 23 years after his death, Bob’s memory endures through the friends, family and community that knew him, the work he did, and the project he began that has continued for decades to inspire political action in North Carolina and bring people together.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 - 7:30pm
News is breaking today that Landen Gambill, a UNC sophomore involved in the outstanding complaint against the University, could potentially face expulsion by the UNC Honor Court because she has allegedly "intimidated" her rapist and "adversely" affected his life. This development has already attracted (more) bad national press coverage for UNC.
This headline comes on the heels of news from the Daily Tar Heel that UNC junior Stedman Gage was found dead late Friday night at his off-campus residence. The cause of death has not yet been released by police. Gage is the fourth UNC student to unexpectedly die this academic year.
Though different in nature, both of these issues negatively affect the image of UNC and, by extension, our town and community at large. Perhaps the issue of how the Honor Court conducts its affairs is an internal matter to students and University administrators -- but I'm not so sure. If the University community decides that a victim of sexual assault is not welcome -- and is, in fact, in violation of its community standard -- does that not also reflect that the Chapel Hill community at large is also unwelcoming and unconcerned with issues of this nature?
The OWASA Board of Directors meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday. A detailed agenda for this meeting is available at http://www.owasa.org/client_resources/about/agendas/2013/02-28-13%20agenda.pdf I've done my best to make the formatting readable, but it just doesn't translate very well.
Announcements by the Chair
Any Board member who knows of a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest
with respect to any item on the agenda tonight is asked to disclose the same at this
Strategic Planning Work Session is Scheduled for Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 5:30
P.M. in the OWASA Boardroom
Update on the February 28, 2013 Meeting between Chapel Hill Town Council's OWASA
Committee and Chapel Hill Appointees to the OWASA Board of Directors
Announcements by Board Members
A. Update on the February 26, 2013 Finance Committee Meeting (John Young)
B. Natural Resources and Technical Systems Committee Meeting on Tuesday, March 5,
2013 at 5:00 PM in the OWASA Boardroom (Terri Buckner)
Announcements by Staff
A. Change to Disinfection of Drinking Water with Chlorine instead of Chloramines in the
month of March/Annual Chlorine Disinfection of Drinking Water in March will End on the
31st and Chloramine Disinfection will Resume (Kenneth Loflin)
Petitions and Requests
Information and Reports
1. 2012 Annual Recreation Report for University Lake and Cane Creek Reservoir (Kenneth Loflin)
2. Approval of a Resolution of Appreciation to Mr. Hal "Doc" Crawford (John Greene)
Approval of the Minutes of the January 10, 2013 Meeting of the Board of Directors (Andrea
Approval for a Minor, One-Time Adjustment in Merit Pay Calculations for Certain Employees
(Gordon Merklein)
Discussion and Action
Discussion of the January 10, 2013 Petition to Receive Additional Information on Fluoride in
Drinking Water via Skype (Alan Rimer)
Recommendations from the Natural Resources and Technical Systems Committee concerning
Recreation at University Lake and Cane Creek Reservoir (Terri Buckner/John Greene)
Change in the Operating Schedule at University Lake and Cane Creek Reservoir
Resolution Endorsing Revisions to the Regulations Governing In-Lake Activities and
Uses Of University Lake and Cane Creek Reservoir
Evaluation of Opportunities for Expanded Recreation at University Lake and Cane Creek
Discuss Finance Committee's Rate Study Recommendation and Consider Selection of the
Board's Preferred Scenario (John Young)
Summary of Board Meeting Action Items
8. Executive Director will summarize the key action items from the Board meeting and note
significant items for discussion and/or action expected at the next Board meeting.
9. The Board will Convene in a Closed Session for the Purpose of Discussing a Personnel Matter
(Gordon Merklein)
Thursday, February 28, 2013 - 7:00pm
Council Chambers, Chapel Hill Town Hall,
Location: Hwy 86 Facility, Hillsborough, NC
Saturday, March 2, 2013 - 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Breaks as needed - Lunch around noon
Getting Started
Welcome - Mayor Tom Stevens
Overview of retreat purpose and process - Donna Warner, Facilitator
Share expectations and concerns
Getting on the Same Page
What are the unique things about Hillsborough (people, places, services, quality of life) that you hold dear and want to preserve for future generations? What words come to mind when you think of this ideal state?
What are you most proud of about town government this year?
What about your service to the Town gets you up in the morning?
Review mission and vision outlined in the strategy map.
Gain agreement on the goals and objectives outlined in the strategy map. Serve the community. Affirm core values (see 2007 notes)
Setting the Stage [Eric Peterson]
Criteria for Guiding Decisions [Eric Peterson]
Take care of what we've got
Invest in Hillsborough's future
Minimize rate impact on citizens
Key Issues & Opportunities Facing Departments (3 minute summaries from each department)
Budget Decision Items
(Board homework - prepare in advance) using the consensus criteria, each council member rates the budget items as follows:
Agree to fund
Disagree - not fund
Need more information/questions
Wrapping Up: Decisions, Expectations, Actions and Reflections
Saturday, March 2, 2013 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Hwy. 86 Facility, 890 N.C. 86 N.
Last month the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board decided on the new school districts that will go into effect as we open our eleventh elementary school this fall. I was always aware that these school reassignment discussions were contentious, but now that my son will be starting kindergarten in 2014, I'm trying to learn a lot more about how our coveted educational sausage is made. Since my neighborhood was assigned to the walk zone of the brand-new Northside Elementary, I was able to wade deeper into the mucky reassignment debate without having much personal investment in the outcome.
I think the board did the right thing in choosing the plan that did the best job of distributing racial and economic diversity. But the process is inherently impossible. There is simply no way to put everyone in the school they want without inconveniencing someone else. In this post I attempt to briefly summarize how the whole 2012-2013 redistricting went down.
A fair housing workshop is coming to Carrboro on Saturday, April 6.
EmPOWERment, Inc, the Justice United Affordable Housing Team, and the
UNC School of Law Civil Clinic will be co-hosting the event at the
Carrboro Century Center, with a morning session from 9:00 am - 11:00 am,
and an identical afternoon session from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. The
workshop will cover the rights of tenants and homeowners under fair
housing laws, and will outline basic landlord and tenants rights.
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