Mary Rabinowitz's blog

Awards Anyone?

It's that time of year when everyone gives out awards. I thought I'd give out some 2005 awards to all the good people who post here. Feel free to post your 2005 awards !

Here goes…

Most polite: David M.
Best online transformation: Will R.
Least likely to offend: Anita B.
Most happy-go-lucky: Melanie S.
Best expert: Gerry C.
Most likely not to read…
*Robin C. on water
*Mary R. on LEAP
*Terri B. on measurements and rubrics
*Dan C. on capitalism
*Ruby S. on UNC
*Will R. on WiFi
Most sincere: Tom J.
Most unable to leave it alone: Terri B.
Most serious: Terri B., Dan C., Joan
Most straight-forward: Mark M., James P.
Best curmudgeon: John K.
Most easily offended: just about everyone
Better in person than in writing: everyone I've met

Vacancy: Board of Aldermen Seeks Appointee

On January 19, 2006 the Carrboro Board of Aldermen will host a public forum and interview applicants for the vacated Board of Aldermen seat.

As a group, I think the Board will be looking for two specific attributes in the appointee: 1) the motivation to make positive contributions to the community and solve community problems, and 2) the necessary conviction and capability to do the job well--- but what other qualities will the Board look for?

What other qualities should the Board look for? a community builder?, a peacemaker?, a hard worker?, a visionary?, someone measured and balanced?, someone inspirational?, a relative unknown?, someone experienced and well-versed?, someone with superior analytical skills?, someone non-controversial?, integrity?, wisdom?, social lubrication?, fresh ideas?...

What do people think?

James Brown Funk Spirit High School

It's just a name and not such a big deal… or is it?

This coming Thursday the city school board will discuss the naming of the third high school. The naming committee has narrowed the choices down to three: Carrboro High School, South Chapel Hill High School, and Howard and Lillian Lee High School. These names seem all rather boring, given that there were 69 other names that could have generated lots more controversy.

Community members suggested such names as: Charles Darwin High School, Cesar Chavez High School, Robert E. Lee High School, Edith Wiggins High School, Rockin' Ravens High School, and on and on. I personally got a laugh out of 'The Insufferable Chapel Hill High School of the South". What name would you choose and why?

Bolin Creek Park and Preserve: the clock is ticking!

Elections are over now, and the community expression of support for the creation of the Bolin Creek Park and Preserve was overwhelming.

Thanks in no small part to Carrboro Mayor, Mike Nelson, we're on our way to making this park and preserve a reality. The 27 acre Adam's Tract is now in preservation, and last month the Carrboro BOA voted to accept a Conservation Map of the Bolin Creek Watershed.

But where do we go from here?

The planned Claremont development just west of Bolin Creek on the north side of Homestead Rd. is rapidly moving forward. UNC is in the concept stage of Carolina Commons, a development of 140 affordably priced homes for UNC faculty and staff just north of Winmore and east of Lake Hogan Farm. Much of the land targeted for preservation is developable and remains elusive. Clearly, if we are serious about making this park and preserve a reality, we must press on quickly.

Celebrate the Creek

It's time to Celebrate the Creek at the 2nd Bolin Creek Festival, 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. October 8th at Umstead Park in Chapel Hill. This family-oriented festival is sponsored by the Friends of Bolin Creek and admission is free. Please join your friends and family for a relaxing afternoon near the creek. Bring a blanket! For more information read the press release:

The Friends of Bolin Creek invite you to the 2nd Bolin Creek Festival planned for October 8th at Umstead Park in Chapel Hill from noon-6pm. The festival is being held as a celebration of the creek, it's neighbors, the hard work of local citizens on its behalf, and as an opportunity to meet kindred spirits, learn and have fun. We would like to raise awareness about Bolin Creek, a natural treasure which flows through the heart of Carrboro and Chapel Hill. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a wonderful afternoon of music, great food, win valuable prizes donated by local merchants, and learn about efforts to preserve the creek corridor and nearby woodlands.



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