rectormsw's blog

What is "Local"?

I’m a big fan of the Chapel Hill Carrboro Chamber of Commerce’s new OurLocalDeal website, that has daily, Groupon-style, half-off deals for Orange County businesses, but recently when I grumbled about their featuring the local UPS Store franchise, I set off a minor twitter war.  UPS is a global corporation based in Atlanta with stores located all over the world.  The Chamber of Commerce defends their choice as being a unionized, locally-owned store.

The Library Is More Than Books

I have reviewed a lot of letters sent to the Chapel Hill Town Council about whether or not the Town should move forward on expansion of our Library.  Letters fall on either side of the issue, but in letters against expansion, I see a theme.  Writers often want it known that they are a fan of books, but they don't want to pay more taxes toward making more available to Library users.

A Racial Observation

I'm sad to see that in a community facing accusations of racism because of Greenbridge and a potential waste transfer site, we managed to vote out our only African-American Council Member.  If I'm not mistaken, since Merritt declined to apply, there are no potential African-American candidates from Strom's seat either, right?

Oh well, this should make for a couple of years of fun reading in the Chapel Hill News and Chapel Hill Herald. 

Czajowski's Attitude Toward Homeless Disconcerting

Since the Chapel Hill News regularly posts FIVE pro-Czajowski letters to every ONE pro-Kleinschmidt letter, I thought maybe they just weren't getting enough, so I submitted one this week.  I guess lack of Kleinschmidt letters isn't the issue, as this wasn't published and the ratio was 9 to 2 for Czajowski.  I post here because there's no editorial board to stop me!!


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