gpknc's blog


HI all, have accepted to attend forums for WCHL, Gary Kahn

news and observer interview

I will be interviewed today by Tammy Grubb of the chapel hill news and news and observer . gary Kahn



hi, in response to Mary Palmers fundraising efforts, as a former fundraiser I know how difficult it can be to ask for funds to support a camppiagne, there fore I wont be actively seeking funds but  will accept contributions, im running on my experience by attending town council meetings and various community committees meetings like the central west focus groups and opinions ive expressed at several  town council meetings where I havnt seen to many of my fellow candidates. thank you, Gary Kahn


community meetings

hi all, just to let  everyone know I ve  been attending the west central focus group, obey creek  community  group and the upcoming esephus  church group during  these past months and plan to attend more during this election season and many more if possible if I can. thank you. gary kahn

chgap hill town council debates

I have replied to all debates and said I will attend  



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