Jake Gellar-Goad's blog

2010 Senate Democractic Primary

Since this area plays such a strong role in the democratic politics/ideals in this state, & since one of our own might join the race, I think this will be an interesting topic for discussion.
Secretary of State Elaine Marshall
vs Durham Lawyer Kenneth Lewis vs Captain in the United States Army Reserve & former State Senator Cal Cunningham vs Mayor Kevin Foy

vs vs vs


Here is some more background on the candidates:

Chapel Hill - Code of Ethics

Does the town of Chapel Hill have a code of ethics?  For my ethics class in my Public Administration program I need to extensively review a public or non-profit's code of ethics.  I've found this below, but I need something a little more substantive than 3 paragraphs.. at least a full page or two or more.  I've been search the Town of Chapel Hill website to no avail, but I figure maybe some other OPers might have more experience using the (semi-recently redesigned) website and could point me in the right direction.  Thanks for any help anyone can provide!

National Equality March & Presidential Speech

It's happening right now. Today is also national coming out day. And President Obama gave a speech yesterday on the eve of this event. A busy weekend for gay rights.

National coming out day "is an internationally-observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues" (wikipedia). And today is also the day of the National Equality March which comes just as the Hate Crimes law (Matthew Sheppard Act) is about to be signed into law, and just before Congressional hearings on repealing DADT are going to take place.

Last night President Obama gave a speech on the eve of the march at an HRC event (the largest US lgbt rights org) and discussed many things. The whole speech was about 25 minutes, but this 6 minute clip of the middle section of the speech is where he mentions Hate Crimes, inclusive ENDA, DADT, DOMA, & Immigration/Aids:


NC Pride Weekend


I'm sure everyone has seen the rainbow flags downtown, and in case you were wondering, it is pride weekend here in NC.  The biggest events were the speeches, festival, and parade over in Durham today, but it is something the whole triangle & to some degree the state gets into.  If you check out this site, you'll see events all over, including several in Chapel Hill.  It marks the 25th anniversary of this celebration.  There were speeches, festival grounds, food, vendors, booths, and lots of fun to be had.  I believe it is important to see this as not only a good time, but also as a large political rally with a positive message since this was the first NC Pride since prop 8 & the protests

Pet Food Drive this Friday! (Carrboro Plaza Vet + Orange County Animal Shelter)

I just did the following commentary for WCHL which will play on Friday of this week.  I've organized Carrboro Plaza Vet's 2nd Annual Pet Food Drive in conjunction with the Orange County Animal Shelter.  My first blog posting on this site was about this about the first pet food drive that I organized last year which you can see here:



Food Collected during the 2008 Pet Food Drive





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