Molly De Marco's blog

Northside and Pine Knolls Community Plan to be presented to Town Council

A moratorium on development in Northside and Pine Knolls was enacted this past summer. In the intervening months, staff of the Town of Chapel Hill and members of the Sustaining OurSelves Coalition have worked together to develop recommendations to curb development that is contrary to the spirit of their neighborhood conservation district strictures. A community plan has been developed, which includes recommendations around affordable housing, cultural and historic preservation, enforcement, education and outreach, parking, and zoning.

 This information will be presented to the Chapel Hill Town Council at their Monday, January 9th meeting.

Community Opposition to Potential YMCA Merger

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA (CHCYMCA) is still considering entering a management services agreement (or merger) with the YMCA of the Triangle Area (YOTA), as evidenced by its recent passage of a motion to allow the chair of the board of directors to form a small committee to define how the CHCYMCA will work with YOTA. This is very concerning considering YOTA's lack of inclusive nondiscrimination policies, not to mention the lack of transparency being shown by the CHCYMCA board of directors, which was set to vote on a motion to begin negotiating the management services agreement before things got too hot and they opted for this motion instead.

Public Art in the Yates Motor Co. Building: Same Message, Different Methods

When the former Yates Motor Co. Building was taken over on November 13th it was in the process of becoming the temporary home of an art installation for the holiday season - an effort led by the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership. Those events derailed the art installation, but did not curtail it. The art installation will be unveiled this Friday, December 9th, 2011. The road has not been an easy one as described in this blog post by Meg McGurk of the Downtown Partnership.

Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA set to vote on first steps in merger with Y of the Triangle Dec. 14th

The Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA (CHCYMCA) is set to vote on beginning to negotiate a management services agreement with the YMCA of the Triangle Association (YOTA), which is the first step in a merger between the two entities - on Wednesday December 14th.

What is at stake is the ability of the CHCYMCA to set it's own policies once a merger is in place. Of particular concern are the policies governing non-discrimination in employment. YOTA does not include sexual orientation in its list of protected categories in its employment policies.  In other words, an LGBT person could be discriminated against in both hiring and/or during employment.

More information is included in this previous post.

CHCYMCA Board members can be contacted here.

Community House Resident Responds to Wolff Flyer

Earlier this week, perennial Chapel Hill mayoral candidate Kevin Wolff disseminated a campaign flyer in the Homestead Park neighborhood telling parents that they should be very concerned about the men's transitional facility locating on Homestead Road, suggesting that when the shelter is located there "a child will be assaulted, molested, kidnapped, and/or killed in that park. It's not a matter of if this will happen... it is a matter of when." The full flyer can be read here.



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