Have you been to your poll sites yet? Have the yard signs in your neighborhood multiplied? What's on your mind?
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Voted at White Cross around
Voted at White Cross around 7 this morning. No lines, but there seemed to be a steady stream of people coming in and out. Everything appeared to be running quite smoothly.
Best wishes to all who are voting today!
Yuhasz (the person) was at
Yuhasz (the person) was at St Mary's around 0800 (also people pushing Vernon, Hartkopf and Michalski)
like previous, no "lines" but steady - I was 132 for the day
View from the Bus
As I took the CW through downtown Chapel Hill this morning at 7:50, there were 2-4 Obama supporters on each street corner waving printed and hand-painted signs. Like the Obama event at the Dean Dome, the group looked like America- young, old, black, white.
Accompanied my wife to the polls at 6:45 A.M. A handful of people at Carolina Springs, no waiting. A lot quicker than my Saturday vote at Carrboro Town Hall, which entailed a 40-minute wait and a line out the door to the fire station.
From the outside looking in, the Politico names turnout in the Triangle as one of the 5 things to watch in NC.
Just left Estes Hills (Library)
Encouraging voters to choose Jim Neal.
Voting was slow but steady. Not much different from municipal races.
Others working the polls said Estes had 1/3 turnout during early voting.
Efland precinct
I was there at 6:30 for Leo Allison, soon joined by vols for Yuhasz, Page Vernon, Al Hartkopf and Jeff Michalski (same person), Steve Halkiotis, and a woman working against the "home tax" as she is calling it.
125 voters by 9:30.
Where to watch
Via David Hunt, Orange County:
Report from Obama-ville
Cheeks busy
8am -9am - a consistant 40+ people in line for an average of 30-35 minutes. 175 had voted by 8:35.
Voters in line and a couple of election officials commented on unusually heavy turnout for a primary.
Leo Allison was there in person to greet voters, as was Lamar Proctor as well as a woman for Page Vernon and a guy against the transfer tax, (which he called the "home tax").
Report from Scroggs School (Dogwood Acres)
Just rode my bike over to the school. No lines outside. Voters are coming and going, but they are not having to wait long. I will check back over there later today. I hope this means most of the voters in my district voted early!
John Rees
Kings Mill at 11:00 AM
No waiting.
I was voter number 280 at about 11 AM.
301 at noon, 201 voted early, that's about 1/3 of voters of the precinct who have already voted.
Just left Estes Hills (Library) (again)
Just left Weaver Dairy
The flow was steady from 12- 2:30 but I don't think anyone had to wait much to vote. Page Vernon was there for a while as well as reps for Hampton Dellinger, Obama, the Democratic party and one pro-transfer tax person (me.)
Mia Burroughs
Second report from Scroggs School (Dogwood Acres)
Hopped on the bike again to get out on this beautiful day. Still pretty quiet at the Scroggs school. Mr. Transfer tax (who, BTW, was closer to the entrance than he should have been) is gone.
John Rees
There were a couple of
Out of ballots for voters under 18 at Estes Hills
The precinct at the Chapel Hill library ran out of ballots for folks who will be 18 by the date of the general election, but are not 18 now: those folks can vote in primaries, but can't vote for the tranfer tax, because that's a final decision they are too young to participate in. So those voters can't use the regular ballot, which has everything (primaries and referendum) on it. After a 30-minute wait in line, my daughter got a chance to fill out a provisional ballot that will be ruled on soon.
Poll workers said they had called in twice for more ballots for these voters, but none had come, and expectations of getting more of the right ballots were low.
Patrick Oglesby603 at Damascus (about
Transfer tax losing at
Transfer tax losing at Carrboro Elementary (so that's certainly not going to pass)
Ellie running strong here as expected.
Bernadette doing very well, but Neloa is making a showing. Not nearly as many votes in this race as in the Presidential race of course.
Obama has about 70% of the vote at Carrboro Elementary.
Congrats to Ellie!
last week's election experience
went to library early, voted, then just as I and about 8 others went to feed the machine, a volunteer moved it which apparently screwed up the counting mechanism -- don't know whether the number was reset -- so she told us to leave our ballots (unfed) and she would feed them after fixing the machine (!)
doubt they handcounted them later