Here's our Storify from the Orange County Democratic Party's forum for sheriff candidates.
This election year, Orange County voters will select a register of deeds from 3 candidates: Deborah Brooks, the current register of deeds; Mark Chilton, former mayor of Carrboro; and Sara Stephens, former deputy register of deeds. The register of deeds is the custodian of many of the county’s public records, including those relating to births, deaths, military discharges, marriage, and property transfers.
In lieu of holding a candidate forum for the register of deeds race, we sent the candidates 7 questions and asked them to respond to each question in 200 words or less. The answers we received from them appear below. They have not been edited in any way.
I recently filled out the INDY Candidate Questionnaire and I wanted to go ahead and start sharing my answers. When they asked what I would do to build a just community in the Triangle, this is how I responded:
Welcome to the open thread for the Orange County School Board candidate forum happening on April 13, 2014. Comments on this post will open at that time.
There are six candidates for four seats:
- Greg Andrews - did not respond to our invitations to participate
- Tom Carr - declined to participate in our forum
- Donna Coffey
- Michael Hood
- Brenda Stephens - declined to participate in our forum
- Rosa Williams
You can observe the forum at http://orangepolitics.org/elections-2014/forums/ocboe.
We hope you'll use this open thread to post your thoughts and reactions. Also, if you want to propose additional discussion topics, you can reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page. The forum moderator will have final say in question selection.
Sample Ballots for the May Primary can be viewed at NCSBE.gov . Gary Kahn
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