Arts & Culture

This area has been known for decades for its thriving creative music scene. Many people travel from around the region – and sometimes around the world – to attend shows at the Cat's Cradle and other venues in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Less famous, but also doing us proud, are visual artists, dancers, actors, and filmmakers around the Triangle. In fact, Chapel Hill was home to the first Flicker festival, which now takes place in ten cities around the world!

The Battle Against Poverty: Writing a History of the North Carolina Fund

Program with Robert Korstad and James Leloudis
Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2010
Wilson Special Collections Library
5 p.m. Reception and viewing of exhibit The Poor Among Us, North Carolina Collection Gallery
5:45 p.m. Program, Pleasants Family Assembly Room
Free and open to the public
Information: Liza Terll, Friends of the Library, (919) 962-4207

Robert Korstad and James Leloudis will discuss their newly published history To Right These Wrongs: The North Carolina Fund and the Battle to End Poverty and Inequality in 1960s America. The fund was launched in 1963 by Governor Terry Sanford as a way to combat poverty and social inequality in the state.

Korstad is professor of public policy and history at Duke University. Leloudis is professor of history and associate dean of honors at UNC.

The program complements a two-part Wilson Library exhibit:

  • The Poor Among Us: Photography of Poverty in North Carolina is on view in the North Carolina Collection Gallery (2nd floor) through September 30.
  • Communities in Action is on view in the Southern Historical Collection (4th floor) through October 16.



Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm


Wilson Library, UNC-Chapel Hill

A Taming of the Shrew

Act one act now children's theater ; $5 admission (My son and other friends are perfoming in it.) Great chance to hang out at southern village enjoying your food from weaver street and others. And no there probably will not be a discussion afterwords on the meaning of the play.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 3:01pm to Thursday, July 15, 2010 - 3:00pm


Southern Village, Village green

Library and Museum

Another bit of woolgathering speculation, this time prompted by headlines about the closing of the Chapel Hill Museum and letters linking it with the funding voted for library exansion as an either-or choice. 

In the town where I grew up, one room of the library was devoted to town history, a full gallery of maps, artifacts, letters, photos, etc.  In the process of visiting libraries for some academic research, I discovered that many town libraries house town-history collections of varying scope, often showcased around the building if not featured in a specific room.

Screening of "Papers" documentary

Via Facebook:

Adelante Education Coalition, Blue Ribbon Mentor-Advocate, and Chapel Hill High School's Latino Student Association to screen "Papers" documentary in Chapel Hill

Film highlights the stories of undocumented youth; Community discussion on immigration issues to follow

CHAPEL HILL - Every year, 65,000 undocumented students in the United States graduate from high school without legal status - without"papers." Many of these students know the U.S. as their home, yet without proof of residence cannot drive, work, or apply for state ID,and could be deported to a country they do not remember.

"Papers" is a feature-length documentary that tells the story of these undocumented youth, and the obstacles they face when they graduate from high school. The Adelante Education Coalition will host a free screening of "Papers". The evening will feature opening remarks and poetry readings from current and former Chapel Hill High School students. A community discussion on immigration led by Blue Ribbon Mentor-Advocate coordinator Graig Meyer will follow the film.

DATE: Wednesday, May 26

TIME: Doors open at 6:30 p.m., event starts at 7 p.m.

This is a free event

Childcare and snacks provided

Spanish Interpretation available

The Adelante Education Coalition is a collaboration among nonprofit organizations that focus on advocacy and public policy, community organizing and grassroots support. The coalition works to ensure that North Carolina has a high-quality K-12 and post-secondary public education system. For more information and a list of coalition members, please visit   


Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 3:00pm


Hanes Theatre, Chapel Hill High School, 1709 High School Rd., Chapel Hill

Locally Grown: concert


Thursday, August 26, 2010 - 3:00pm


Wallace Plaza, downtown Chapel Hill



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