Arts & Culture

This area has been known for decades for its thriving creative music scene. Many people travel from around the region – and sometimes around the world – to attend shows at the Cat's Cradle and other venues in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Less famous, but also doing us proud, are visual artists, dancers, actors, and filmmakers around the Triangle. In fact, Chapel Hill was home to the first Flicker festival, which now takes place in ten cities around the world!

Carrboro Film Festival scoots into town

I just wanted to let you all know that November 18th is the big day for this year's Carrboro Film Festival. Like last year, it will be held in the Century Center, 2-7pm. Only 5 bucks and kids ten and under are free. Come out to see 27 locally made wonderful short films. New this year, more awards, 12 Kay Kyser awards will be given at the conclusion of the festival.

If you would like to get a little sneak, go to and watch the trailer for the fest. Featuring "Scooter Man" Mike Harris and sculptor Mike Roig. Roig also makes the awards for the fest, BTW.

Hope to see you all at the fest!

Nic Beery, Festival Chair

Did you Meet me on Franklin Street?

I pretty much lived in the shops, offices, bars, and nooks and crannies of Franklin Street when I was a kid in the 70's. The Inimate Bookshop (RIP) even had a corner in the children's section named after me. I can't wait to see this exhibit at the Chapel Hill Museum.

Remember the Flower Ladies? Manner-correcting Otelia Conner and her umbrella thwacks? The Intimate book store and Danziger's sweet shop?

Unless you're a longtime resident, you may not. But that's OK -- a new permanent exhibit at the Chapel Hill Museum will detail those and more of the characters and places that make Franklin Street, well, Franklin Street.
- | Memory lane on display, 10/10/07

Here's the 411:

This Carrboro Life

Thanks to former OP contributor (now Pittsboro refugee) Duncan Murrell for sharing this wonderful Carrboro-flavored spoof of Ira Glass and "This American Life." It was recorded by two local musicians, Tom Maxwell and John Ensslin. I have enjoyed many of their various musical outputs over the years, now I can enjoy their comical stylings as well.

You can download it from Duncan's site here: (6:36, 6.1 MB MP3)

Could it be this year's It's Carrboro?

WCOM Musical Debate

I do a weekly show on 103.5 WCOM if you want to listen to the stream where I oftentimes have a guest DJ. During the peak campaign season I will feature all the Carrboro candidates to be my guest DJ's in a "musical debate." Here is the schedule:

Sept. 1: Katrina Ryan & Chuck Morton
Sept. 15: Joal Hall Broun & Sharon Cook
Sept. 22: Dan Coleman & Mark Chilton
Sept. 29: Lydia Lavelle & Frank Abernathy
Oct. 13: Brian Voyce

What do our candidates listen to?

Carrboro Film Fest Calls for Submissions

It was a huge hit last year. Now it's time for... the Second Annual Carrboro Film Festival. We want your films!

The 2nd annual Carrboro Film Festival is seeking submissions from filmmakers who have breathed in the good, local air of Orange County.

Nic Beery & Jackie Helvey, the festival's founders, say, “The creativity in this region is wonderful with artists, musicians and writers. Last year's Carrboro Film Festival showed that there are amazing filmmakers as well. This festival is a celebration of local filmmakers' work and an outlet to get their films shown to a large, receptive audience. We encourage everyone to submit their work for the possibility of their film to be shown this year.”

The deadline for submissions is August 30th, $15 per submission. Late deadline is September 20th, $30.

The only requirements are that the filmmaker at one time in life had a brush with Orange County and that the film is no longer than 20 minutes. Films can be in any format: film, video or even digital photos.

Submission forms are on



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