The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce is partnering with EmPOWERment, Inc., the Village Project, and WCHL 1360AM to host an Orange County Commissioner candidates forum on Tuesday, April 11 from 7:30pm-9pm at Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill. The forum will be broadcast live on WCHL 1360AM. The forum partners hope that you can attend or listen to the live broadcast on WCHL.
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce also asked candidates to complete a questionnaire and interview. The Chamber elections brochure complete with questionnaire answers and chamber commentary on candidates is available online at http://www.carolinachamber.org/elections/
For any of you that are Democrats or plan to vote in the Democratic primary*, the local party is having some events of interest including their convention this weekend.
The County Convention is on Saturday, April 8, at the Orange County Courthouse in Hillsborough. Registration begins at 11:00, barbecue lunch ($10.00 donation) at 11:30, and the meeting itself at 12:45. Candidates will be politicking in the parking lot before the convention, and the keynote address is by Patricia Timmons-Goodson, Associate Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court.
Meet the candidates for District 15B Superior Court Judge at the April 6 meeting of the Orange County Democratic Women, 6:00 pm at the Exchange at Meadowmont.
Come to the Open House for all Democratic candidates at the Occoneechee Steak House, 378 S. Churton Street, in Hillsborough from 6:30 - 9:00 pm on Monday, April 10.
The deadline to register for this year's primary is one week from today! The election will be on May 2nd. According to the Orange County Board of Elections, you can get registration forms at the following places:
Board of Elections Office - 110 East King St., Hillsborough
Carrboro Town Hall - W. Main St. Carrboro
Chapel Hill Town Hall - North Columbia Street, Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill Public Library - Library Drive, Chapel Hill
Davis Library, UNC-CH Campus
Orange County Public Library - 300 W. Tryon Street, Hillsborough
McDougle School Library, Old Fayetteville Rd., Carrboro
Also, I am a little behind where I wanted to be on collecting candidate information for the OP 2006 Election Guide. If you have web site addresses for any candidates in any races, please add them in the comments below. Thanks!
Judge Chuck Anderson says he is not going to accept campaign contributions from attorneys or political action groups during his primary for Superior Court. There is a whole section about 'judicial independence' on his website, which talks about how he would like to try to not accept donations from attorneys who may have an interest before him. I checked out Adam Stein and Alan Baddour's websites, but I could not find if they were doing the same thing or not. They might be, but I could not tell from their websites.
Guest Post by Cynthia Wertz
Orange County residents are invited to attend and participate in the Orange County Board of Commissioners Candidates Forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties and Democracy North Carolina. The Forum will be held on Wednesday, April 19, 2006, at the Gordon Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough, N.C. from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
The forum will provide an opportunity for citizens to learn about the positions of each candidate as well as to ask questions of the candidates. Molly Beacham, a League member and Director of Development, Democracy North Carolina, will moderate the forum. The candidates for the Orange County Board of Commissioners race are Fred Battle - D, Robin Cutson - D, Jamie Daniel - R, Betty Tom Phelps Davidson - D, Artie L. Franklin - D, Alice Gordon - D, Barry Jacobs - D, Mike Nelson - D.
This forum is one in a series of spring candidate forums sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham, and Chatham Counties.
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