The Orange County Ticket?

I was thinking the other day about the possibility, albeit slim, that come primary-time in May I'd have the ability to vote for a full slate of folks who live within five or ten miles of my front door. I won't say that any of these would have been my natural choice, but I'm assuming that even with his campaign in suspension, Edwards will still be on the ballot for president; Chapel Hillians Jim Neal and David Price could snatch my votes for Senate and House; at least in theory I could vote for Chapel Hill resident Bev Purdue for governor; and let's not forget lieutenant governor candidate Hampton Dellinger, who grew up in town though he's since fled to Durham.

Meeting the Access Management Challenges of Downtown Carrboro

I was going to try to re-hash the following into a column for the Citizen, but the issue of access in downtown Carrboro has generated so much discussion this week I figure I might as well put this out now. Below the jump is an email I sent to Mayor Chilton and all members of the BOA regarding the broad issue of access to downtown, and a sampling of several Transportation Demand Mangement strategies the town could pursue.

Candidate filing closes


Friday, February 29, 2008 - 7:00am


Orange County Board of Elections

Candidate filing opens


Monday, February 11, 2008 - 7:00am


Orange County Board of Elections

Meet and Greet with Jim Neal

Join UNCYD and GLBT-SA on the 24th for an informal Q&A meeting with US Senate candidate Jim Neal... free pizza will be provided!

All are welcome to come and participate!

Young Democrats Website:


Jim Neal for U.S. Senate Website:

Jim Neal for U.S. Senate facebook group:


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Gardner 105, UNC Campus



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