
News and opinions related to local elections.

2014 Primary Election Results Thread

Welcome to our 2014 Election Night Results Thread!

We're tracking the results as they come in. You can view Orange County results on the State Board of Elections website, or check out our charts below, which we will be updating as results come in.

It's Tuesday. VOTE!

Went to our precinct today -- haven't been there in quite some time, as we've so often opted for early voting. Wow. What a lonely exercise. It worries me. We went  in ... no voters there. Ran into one person coming in as we left. If you have't voted yet -- there's still a few minutes left!  VOTE!!!

2014 Primary Election Day Open Thread

Happy Election Day! The polls are already open across the county.

If you're voting today or visiting any polling sites, what are you seeing? Big turnout, small turnout? Issues voting? Something else? Comment and share your observations right here in our open thread.

Also, join us tonight here and on Twitter where we'll be following the results as they come in starting at 7:30pm when the polls close. 

This Week in Orange Politics: May 5-11

While most of the county’s public bodies are taking a break for the primary elections this week, the Chapel Hill Town Council will take on Glen Lennox and meet with the county’s state legislative delegation, while the county commissioners will discuss curbside recycling and different options for expanded bus service.

Be sure and tune into our Twitter feed and homepage on election night for coverage of the results as they come in.

Here’s the full summary:


There is no meeting scheduled this week. The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, May 13th.


Work Session: Monday, May 5th, 6pm, Chapel Hill Public Library, Meeting Room A

Primary Campaign Finance Reports Are In

The first quarter finance reports for the May primary election are in at the Board of Elections, and there are quite a few interesting things to take note of in these finance reports.

Here's the breakdown by each office:



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