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Lecture/Film Tonight: Stolen Childhoods

Filmmakers Len Morris and Robin Romano will discuss child labor around the globe tonight at 7.30 pm in Memorial Hall on the UNC campus. This lecture is free, open to the public, and will include never before seen footage of the conditions in which children labor so the rest of us can have carpets, coffee, and--in the US--fruits and vegetables. These are award-winning filmmakers doing front-line activism--worth the trip in to town.

You can meet the filmmakers at a reception celebrating Robin Romano's photographs this afternoon at 4 pm; room 039, the James M. Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence in Graham Memorial.

Carrboro candidates face off

Guest Post by Tom Jensen

The Carrboro Sierra Club Candidates Forum is tonight at 7 PM in the Board Room at Carrboro Town Hall. The forum will start with 75 minutes of questions for Aldermen candidates, and conclude with 45 minutes of the Mayoral candidates.

We will be taking questions from the audience, so if you have anything you want asked but can't be there feel free to post here and I will add it to the pool of possible questions.

This is the first opportunity to see the Carrboro candidates face off, so you should all either come or watch it live on the People's Channel!

Tom Jensen is a Senior at UNC on the Sierra Club Political Commitee. He is also the chair of Students for a Progressive Chapel Hill.

Say 'hey' to Steph

Over at dent (the Indy's new politics blog) Kirk Ross reports that the Stephanie Miller Show is broadcasting live from the ArtsCenter in Carrboro this morning. You can hear it on WCHL from 9 am to noon, or drop by and say 'hey' in person.

Good booze for a good cause

Guest Post by George Cianciolo

The Orange Community Housing & Land Trust is kicking off a 30-day fundraiser beginning tonight at Whole Foods on Elliot Road from 5 PM - 8 PM. The fundraiser is utilizing a raffle for four (4) bottles of premium wines. The wines are a Los Carneros Syrah (value $ 16.99), a 2004 Saintsbury Chardonnay ($19.99), a 10-year old Tawny Port ($31.99) and a Ferrari-Carano Merlot ($24.99). The tickets are $5.00 each and the winner gets all 4 bottles. Of course, it is all for a good cause, even if you don't drink. After tonight, tickets will also be available through October 14th at the Land Trust office at 104 Jones Ferry Road, Suite C, Carrboro. The telephone number for the Land Trust is 967-1545.

So, if you can, show your support for the Land Trust and affordable housing in Orange County by buying a ticket (or several).


Relief not war

As part of the Bring Them Home Now Tour, which is cris-crossing the country on the way to the huge September 24 march for peace in Washington, DC, there will be a show at the ArtsCenter on Friday:

Relief Not War Fundraiser with Medea Benjamin, “The Lids”, and Cakalak Thunder Drum corps.
Friday, September 16, 8:00 pm, Carrboro Arts Center

The NC Peace & Justice Coalition is Holding a “Relief Not War” Fundraiser, on Friday September 16 at 8:00 pm. The event features performers, speakers, and musicians. Headlined by Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder of Code Pink, performers include spoken word phenomenon Dasan Ahanu, Carrboro cover band “The Lids”, Greensboro's “Cakalak Thunder Drum Corps”, and Emerson Waldorf Middle School's Flag Corps and Fire Twirlers. We will show excerpts from the Empowerment Project's newly released film, “Soldiers Speak Out”, show in Fayetteville during the March 19 demonstration.



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