A moratorium on development in Northside and Pine Knolls was enacted this past summer. In the intervening months, staff of the Town of Chapel Hill and members of the Sustaining OurSelves Coalition have worked together to develop recommendations to curb development that is contrary to the spirit of their neighborhood conservation district strictures. A community plan has been developed, which includes recommendations around affordable housing, cultural and historic preservation, enforcement, education and outreach, parking, and zoning.
This information will be presented to the Chapel Hill Town Council at their Monday, January 9th meeting.
Last week, the Meadowmont Community Association (our homeowners' association) sent out a letter (a paper letter, via actual mail!) with the nominal purpose of informing residents of upcoming hearings before Town Council on the routing of the proposed light rail line. (For details on the issue, see my first blog post and my followup.) It omitted some important details however, so I wrote a response and emailed it around to some of my neighbors. I've posted it on my new single-issue website, and I'm reprinting it below. I hope everyone has a great 2012. — Geoffrey F. Green
Tonight I went to the Abbey Court HOA meeting about the Human Rights Center. Here's the short version of what happened…
I suppose you've all heard about how the Abbey Court Homeowners' Association (HOA) is giving the Abbey Court Human Rights Center (HRC) the boot. The Human Rights Center is a great community center providing many critical human services within Abbey Court, including mentoring, after school care, tutoring etc. In short, the HOA is arguing that the HRC is in violation of the HOA rules by using their unit for non-residential purposes and kicking them out, under threat of a $300/day fine.
The HOA meeting was tonight at 6pm in Raleigh and was closed to the public, however this afternoon it occurred to me that the non-profit organization I work for owns one of the units at Abbey Court, so I went to the meeting to represent our organization's miniscule rights—and to record the meeting.
If you care about education in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools I urge you to take action TODAY. We are not opposed to parents and students having more options for their education but the financial impact that this charter would make on the district would be devastating. The following text is directly from an email I sent this morning to Dr. Forcella and all school board members.
Dr. Forcella,
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