Orange County

Open Thread for the 2016 Filing Period

The filing period begins today for the 2016 elections. The General Assembly recently moved the state's primary elections up to March 15—an early holiday gift for local politics geeks, perhaps an annoyance for others. So, what's on the line for Orange County in the March elections?

This Week in Orange Politics: November 30-December 6

A new month will bring new and newly re-elected officials to Carrboro and Chapel Hill, and on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board. In addition to the swearing in of new members, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board will consider approving new courses, while the Hillsborough Town Board considers rezoning more than 1,300 acres south od downtown near the intersection of I-85 and N.C. 86.

As we welcome new elected officials, the process will also being for selecting new members for the county commission. Candidate filing opens Tuesday.



This Week in Orange Politics: November 16 - 22

With the elections behind us, Orange County's boards and commissions are getting back to work. The Carrboro Alderpersons' meeting may shape up to be an exciting one, with some in the business community requesting more information from the IFC about it's planned Food First Community Kitchen. The Chapel Hill Town Council will review several concepts and hold public hearings on changes to the LUMO and a special use permit, while the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board will discuss how to use its assigned reserve funds. The county commissions will talk living wage and consider entering into a new interlocal agreement for "Launch Chapel Hill"

Both the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners and the county school board are on break this week. The Assembly of Governments meeting originally scheduled for November 19 has been cancelled.


Election Method Similar to Orange County Commissioners Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Tucson's method of nominating city council members in districts and electing them citywide (similar to Orange County's method for electing commissioners) was unconstitutional. 

Mark Marcoplos Running for At-Large County Commissioner Seat

I am running for Orange County Commissioner in the Democratic primary for an at-large seat. My decades of experience with county issues, my forty-plus years living in Orange County beginning in 1971 when I came to attend UNC, and my service on key county boards and OWASA have prepared me to represent the diverse communities that share our county



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