Orange County

Community Town Hall Meeting with Greenpeace Energy Expert Mike Johnson

What:  Community Town Hall Meeting with Greenpeace Energy Expert Mike Johnson
Where:  AARP Raleigh office, 1511 Sunday Drive  Raleigh, NC 27607

When:  Tuesday, November 13th, 7pm

Mike Johnson is on a state wide tour, talking about the possibilities for a cheaper, cleaner, renewable energy future for North Carolina. Mike brings 10 years of experience including stints at the Illinois Solar Energy Association and City of Chicago’s Department of Environment.

Mike will discuss the recent Greenpeace report, Charting the Correction Course, produced in association with leading energy software company Ventyx. The report details how North Carolinians could save more than $108 billion dollars over the next twenty years if Duke Energy switched to cleaner, cheaper renewable energy.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - 7:00pm


AARP Raleigh office, 1511 Sunday Drive Raleigh, NC 27607

Community Town Hall Meeting with Greenpeace Energy Expert Mike Johnson

What:  Community Town Hall Meeting with Greenpeace Energy Expert Mike Johnson
Where: Eno River Unitarian Church, 4907 Garrett Road  Durham, NC 27707
When:  Monday, November 12th, 7pm Johnson is on a state wide tour, talking about the possibilities for a cheaper, cleaner, renewable energy future for North Carolina. Mike brings 10 years of experience including stints at the Illinois Solar Energy Association and City of Chicago’s Department of Environment.

Mike will discuss the recent Greenpeace report, Charting the Correction Course, produced in association with leading energy software company Ventyx. The report details how North Carolinians could save more than $108 billion dollars over the next twenty years if Duke Energy switched to cleaner, cheaper renewable energy.


Monday, November 12, 2012 - 7:00pm


Eno River Unitarian Church, 4907 Garrett Road Durham, NC 27707

Cleaner energy solutions to combat Duke Energy’s rate hikes for more dirty energy.

The Transit Referendum: Support and Opposition

For better or for worse, our local media works hard to give equal air time to both sides of the story. Some may fault them as giving too much voice to an opinion which represents a small minority of residents, others may thank them for giving life to a discussion. Regardless of what you think, it's sometimes difficult to cut through the noise. So where does the community stand on the whole?

Primer on Transit Referendum and Associated Transit Plan

It turns out that many people are uninformed or misinformed about the specifics of the transit tax and the plan.  Foks don't even realize that there's a plan behind the tax referendum, and that a vote for the tax endorses it.    If the tax passes, the BoCC and TTA have the authority to levy the tax and proceed with the plan. .
Without debating the pros and cons of transit , I hope that readers take a few minutes to understand the plan. We sent the primer below to our mailing list. It includes links to the plan and the financial information.

Primer on Transit Plan, Taxes and Fees

Voters will decide a 1/2 cent tax increase for transit. Please take a few minutes to learn about this tax and the underlying plan before you vote.



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