
Muddy Water Watch

Friends of Bolin Creek announces a Muddy Water Watch Workshop with Haw River Assembly held on Monday, May 23rd from 7 - 9 pm. The workshop is free but there are limited spaces.  Please register at this link.   http://bolincreek.org/blog/

With the OWASA earth moving activities happening now right along Bolin Creek, you can help us monitor impacts on our creek from the number one pollutant of NC waters – sediment! 


Monday, May 23, 2011 - 7:00pm


Main Street, Town of Carrboro, NC

Greetings from Chatham

Hi folks. Just wanted to check in after a long absence to tell you how terrific it is to be able to always return to this oasis of progressivism. I lurk a lot, and don't have much to say about Orange issues these days. But the very fact you exist is encouraging.


Seriously Creative Thinking for County Fund-raising Needed

After last night's defeat of the 1/4 cent sales tax we're really under the gun. A number of important community services could be cut. We could witness the closing of libraries, crippled EMS, county employee layoffs, cuts to school budgets, and more. So what are the Commissioners going to do to fill the budget gaps and invest in the future?

Now is the time for some seriously creative thinking. I know the County Manager, Staff, and Commissioners have been thinking about this hard. But what would you do? How would you raise one time or recurring funds to keep the lights on?

Things for which I am grateful

So I am embarrassed to admit that before the festivities at home begin, here I am on OP writing a little something on Thanksgiving. We have a thread about things we should tax. Today I propose a thread about things we like, things we think are just fine the way they are, things not deserving of a special tax, and people do something nice. So I'll start the ball rolling....

I'm thankful for OP and Ruby, for this site doesn't run itself.

I'm thankful for the many misguided souls who don't agree with me on this site. You're fun.

I'm thankful for Fred Black because he challenged people with grace. I miss Fred. I wish he would post again.

I'm thankful that I live in Chapel Hill and it's next door to Carrboro.

I'm thankful for town officials and employees.

I'm thankful for the deer that graze with abandon in my yard.

Happy Thanksgiving, you guys. 


Halloween on Franklin Street.

I have some great pictures  of halloween. A man dressed as Jesus and he was beautiful, a man dressed as a peacock, Vampire pics, MIchael Jackson, Nerds, etc.  if anyone wants copys I can email them to you. Thank you Chapel Hill I had a great time at your party on Franklin Street - best ever.




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