Racial & Economic Justice

Importance of Farms in Orange County

The other night District 2 County Commissioner candidate Steve Yuhasz said something to me that I found so incredible that I determined to do a little bit of research on the subject. Steve maintained that in 2006 there were only 3 farms in all of Orange County that claimed more than $20,000 farm income. He said that farming for a living was no longer viable. The implication was that if farming was not economically significant, then the county might as well be subdivided into more neighborhoods and strip malls. Steve said he got that info from something circulated by the Economic Devolpment subcomittee. How scary.

My first thought was how in the world would anybody get such information? Individual and corporate tax returns are considered so private that when the various gov't agencies that report on income sectors make their reports, they go to some lengths to make sure that nothing that could identify a specific person or farm can be gleaned from even a very careful reading of their summaries.

Stealing from the poor

I would like to give a big raspberry to the hooligans who stole the bicycle and cart used by two local volunteer food programs. Boo, hiss.

I didn't even know about these two efforts, so the silver lining is that we all get a good reminder that there are hungry people in our own community, and we can always be doing more to help.

The cart is silver-colored, made of aluminum and is about eight feet long. A person pulling one on a bicycle can haul about 300 pounds on it.


Two groups use the cart and bike in their work, Ryans said. One group called Comida no Migra, which means food not border patrol, uses them to distribute free food in the Abbey Court area, where many Hispanic people and day laborers live.

That group has been distributing food to that area for about two years.

The second group, which shares some members with Comida no Migra, is called the Northside Free Grocery Program, Ryans said. That program was started about five or six months ago, he explained.

Transfer Station Siting - Public Information Session

Via David Hunt:

Date: March 25, 2008
Contact: Bob Sallach
, Olver, Inc., 704-527-3227

Transfer Station Siting Process Public Information Sessions

Transfer station siting public information sessions are scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the F. Gordon Battle Courtroom, 106 E. Margaret Lane, in Hillsborough and on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Rd., in Chapel Hill.

The public information sessions will include a presentation describing the function and operation of a solid waste transfer station. The transfer station siting process will also be discussed in detail focusing on the purpose and use of technical and community-specific criteria and weighting factors in the evaluation and final selection of a recommended site.

· Exclusionary Criteria include the stipulation of areas where development is prohibited by federal, state, or local laws or regulations. Exclusionary criteria also include consideration of transportation distance, land use, zoning requirements, watershed protection, and other factors that may significantly impact the environment, facility costs, or project implementation.

· Technical Criteria include specific engineering, operation, and transportation parameters that should be considered to assure that sites are feasible from a technical design, environmental, and economic prospective.

· Community-Specific Criteria consider the impacts that the facility will have on the surrounding community.

The primary objective of these public information sessions will be for Olver, Inc. to provide the public at large with information regarding the operation of a transfer station; to provide the public at large with information regarding the site selection process; and to receive broad public input and comment on the preliminary set of site selection criteria and weighting factors, so that the needs and concerns of the residents of Orange County can be integrated into the final decision-making process.

These public information sessions are being conducted by Olver, Inc. on behalf of the Orange County Board of Commissioners. A summary of session proceedings will be provided to the Board and posted to the website being maintained by Olver, Inc. as part of the Orange County Transfer Station siting project.

For more information, go to http://www.olver.com/orangecounty/

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Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 3:00pm to 6:00pm


Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Rd., Chapel Hill

Transfer Station Siting - Public Information Session

Via David Hunt:

Date: March 25, 2008
Contact: Bob Sallach
, Olver, Inc., 704-527-3227

Transfer Station Siting Process Public Information Sessions

Transfer station siting public information sessions are scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the F. Gordon Battle Courtroom, 106 E. Margaret Lane, in Hillsborough and on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Rd., in Chapel Hill.

The public information sessions will include a presentation describing the function and operation of a solid waste transfer station. The transfer station siting process will also be discussed in detail focusing on the purpose and use of technical and community-specific criteria and weighting factors in the evaluation and final selection of a recommended site.

· Exclusionary Criteria include the stipulation of areas where development is prohibited by federal, state, or local laws or regulations. Exclusionary criteria also include consideration of transportation distance, land use, zoning requirements, watershed protection, and other factors that may significantly impact the environment, facility costs, or project implementation.

· Technical Criteria include specific engineering, operation, and transportation parameters that should be considered to assure that sites are feasible from a technical design, environmental, and economic prospective.

· Community-Specific Criteria consider the impacts that the facility will have on the surrounding community.

The primary objective of these public information sessions will be for Olver, Inc. to provide the public at large with information regarding the operation of a transfer station; to provide the public at large with information regarding the site selection process; and to receive broad public input and comment on the preliminary set of site selection criteria and weighting factors, so that the needs and concerns of the residents of Orange County can be integrated into the final decision-making process.

These public information sessions are being conducted by Olver, Inc. on behalf of the Orange County Board of Commissioners. A summary of session proceedings will be provided to the Board and posted to the website being maintained by Olver, Inc. as part of the Orange County Transfer Station siting project.

For more information, go to http://www.olver.com/orangecounty/

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Thursday, April 3, 2008 - 3:00pm to 6:00pm


F. Gordon Battle Courtroom, 106 E. Margaret Lane, in Hillsborough

Rogers Road is not out of the woods

Yesterday's Chapel Hill News discussed the possibility of constructing a new elementary school in the Rogers Road neighborhood as if it would bring an instant end to the problems this neighborhood has had for decades of living next to the landfill. While the schools' ability to pay for the extension of sewer to this area would be a tremendous benefit, it's not like sewer acess is the only challenge facing the Rogers Road area.



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