Racial & Economic Justice

Sad News: Ed Caldwell

Ed Caldwell passed away on Sunday. He will be missed, and fondly remembered. He served the community vigorously. He was actively serving on the Northside Neighborhood Conservation District (among other things) until he fell seriously ill.

Here's more info from the Chapel Hill Herald.

Friends of Who?

Yesterday's Chapel Hill Herald gave us a preview of the "Friends of Sunrise" forum. Excuse me, but who the hell holds their candidate forum on the same night as a Town Council meeting? Doesn't that sort of indicate that you are more interested in making your own points than hearing other people's?

They also gave the candidates questions in advance:

One of the submitted questions reads in part, "Do you think that the town should continue its current policy of ignoring I-40 noise?" Another question asks, "Do you think nonprofits should be allowed to build large-scale, low-income housing projects with public funds and with no public accountability?"

The question on the bonds reads, "Keeping in mind that property taxes have increased steadily over the past 15 years and many Chapel Hill residents have lost their jobs in the economic downturn, how would you justify that this is the time to initiate the largest bond package in Chapel Hill history? Are there other ways to accomplish the intended goals?"

NAACP Forum Recap

Last Thursday's NAACP Candidates Forum was well-organized and well-attended (except for sparse media presence), including about 10 high school students who asked tough questions of the School Board candidates. Listening to nine Town Council candidates all answer the same question got pretty monotonous – especially since only about half of them generally have anything substantial to say. (I have to thank Rudy Juliano, Mike McSwain, and the ever-absent Woodrow Barfield for not coming, and thereby making the forum about 36 minutes shorter.)

Affordable Housing Endorsements

(From 'Friends of Affordable Housing' press release.)


September 23, 2003

Affordable Housing Group Endorses Strom, Ward and Greene

The affordable housing advocacy group Friends of Affordable Housing announced their endorsement of three candidates for the Chapel Hill Town Council Tuesday morning. The group based its decisions on voting records, questionnaires and responses to questions at the Northside neighborhood forum. Incumbent Council Members Bill Strom and Jim Ward were endorsed, as well as challenger Sally Greene.

The organization's spokesperson Rich Leber said, "Bill Strom has been one of North Carolina's leading lights in the realm of affordable housing." The group recognized his leadership on requiring affordable housing in new real estate developments in Chapel Hill and held his work out as a model for other elected officials in North Carolina.

NAACP Candidates Forum 10/9

I just got this in the mail today, the forum is Thursday. I know you candidates are getting run ragged, but at least people want to hear from you! People who are going to vote, and possibly even make endorsements. When I ran four years ago, it was hard to tell if anyone was paying attention at all. Plus campaigning is just as much work as serving on the Council (but without the stipend) so like it or lump it...

Here's the schedule:NAACP Candidates Forum: October 9, 2003, 6 pm
St. Joseph CME Church, 510 W. Rosemary Street

Carrboro Mayor6:05 - 6:15

Carrboro Board of Aldermen6:15 - 7:00

Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board7:00 - 7:50

Chapel Hill Mayor7:50 - 8:00

Chapel Hill Town Council8:00 - 9:30



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