Two of the 3 mayoral candidates and all 9 council candidates are in attendance. The live blogging starts now...
As many of you know, the Chapel Hill 2020 planning process
is getting underway. This new Comprehensive Plan for Chapel Hill will affect you—the roads you drive on, the places you work, the parks you
visit, etc. so it’s important that you share your perspective to help the town
craft the best vision possible. The more perspectives included in the plan, the
more accurately the plan will reflect our community’s diversity, so be sure to
The town has already publicized seven different ways to get
involved. You shouldn’t feel limited by this list, but it serves as a great
jumping off point:
Apparently I was quoted in the News & Observer after last week's information session about UNC's proposed redevelopment of University Square. I didn't notice that story, but today a colleague said something to me about a cartoon in the Independent Weekly. Wha? After some hunting I found this V.C Rogers illustration "Mr. Bull" which features my statement that "Durham has been kicking our ass, Chapel Hill has to catch up."
While I'm not especially proud of how articulate that one (out of context) quotation was, I do stand behind it. Seeing the way the Indy cartoon twisted my point made me want to expand or at least explain a little more.
Please show your support Monday night at the Town Council meeting for this resolution opposing NC's proposed anti-gay-marriage consituional amendment. This resolution will be introduced by Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt and myself. Tell the NCGA we want to stop moving backwards.
A Resolution in Opposition to Senate Bill 106 and House Bill 777 in the North Carolina General Assembly
WHEREAS, Same-sex marriage is currently a right in ten countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina and six U.S. States including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, and the District of Columbia; and
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