Getting students on board

Apparently students have been applying to serve on the Town of Chapel Hill's Transportation Board, but none have been appointed recently. I'm a bit surprised to see this, but it's hard to draw conclusions without knowing the details of each applicant. In the past students have contributed a lot to the T-board (and others). In fact, joining the board when I was a student in 1991 is one of the things that got me hooked on participating in local politics two decades ago!

With a seat on the board, Medlin said students would have more of a voice about routes and bus schedule times.

Dakota Williams, student body treasurer, said students should embrace the higher fees and advocate for better representation.

“If we’re paying 41 percent … there is no excuse for a student not to be on that board,” he said.

“Those decisions need to be made by the people who are paying for them, which is students more than ever,” he added.

"Our backyards." The Carrboro Citizen has an excellent editorial about locating the IFC shelter and the Carrboro Library.

Taking OP to the next level: editors!

For the folks who missed our OP Happy Hour on Friday, you missed my big announcement. Ever since I launched this site in 2003, I have always wanted OP to be led by a team of people who can bring in a wider range of perspectives. This month, we are beginning an experiment that is a first step toward establishing something like a board of editors or formal leadership team for the site!

The inaugural board of editors is: Damon SeilsMolly DeMarcoJason Baker, and Erin Crouse. They have alrerady had a positive effect on the amount and quality of discussion here on OP. I'm so excited to have their energy and ideas invested in this community.

Carrboro Food Truck Rodeo

My wife and I attended the food truck rodeo near Al's Garage this recent Saturday.  There were five food trucks: Captain Ponchos Tacos, Parlez Vous Crepe, Only Burger, Will and Pops, Blue Sky Dining.  I enjoyed the event, and since I have frequented all of the vendors except for Blue Sky, that is where I bought my dinner.  There was a good turnout, and many of my friends were there too.  We all had a good time.  Here are a few comments I have about the experience.

OP Happy Hour! Jessee's in Carrboro! This Friday, March 25th! 5 to 7 pm!



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