Open House at IFC Community House

Come visit the downtown Men’s Shelter this Sunday and see why IFC has a tremendous need to build a new and better Community House.  Our small staff, some volunteers, as well as some of our residents will show our guests the current facility, between lunch and dinner. Visitors will be amazed at how do so much with so little space! We want the community to fully understand why the IFC is striving to provide better accommodations for our homeless men, and to more fully appreciate why the move to 1315 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd is essential for our men and for our community.


Sunday, February 6, 2011 - 8:30am to 10:30am


100 West Rosemary Street, downtown Chapel Hill

The REAL story behind the "Sanitation 2"

Dozens of people are commenting in public at rallies, in newspapers, and in Town Council meetings about how two men, Kerry Bigelow and Clyde Clark, were fired from the Chapel Hill Public Works department last fall. However, almost none of those people have access to the private details of the personnel decision that was made by the Town. How is it that these folks have a better understanding of the Manager's decisions than the Manager? Why don't the two fired workers make these details public? As Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt pointed out tonight, they and they alone can speak publicly about their ongoing appeal process with the Town.

I am increasingly alarmed at the confidence of statements I hear from people who seem to know almost nothing about the situation. No-one likes to see people lose their jobs, but I haven't heard any evidence that the Town has done anything wrong, and I'm not willing to condemn any staff members nor elected officials - who are legally obligated not to comment on the matter, especially while the appeal is ongoing.

Do you know the truth? If so, please spill the beans. If not...

Social Enterprise in Orange County?

The Executive Team of the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness is interested in ideas for possible social enterprises in the county that could provide sustainable, living wage jobs for our homeless and low-income neighbors.

One possible model is being tried in Cleveland, Ohio, which though a much more urbanized area, could provide an example for us:

Documentary about the naming of Martin Luther King Boulevard

Zoiks, I only just learned about this and have apparently already missed one of today's two airings on The People's Channel.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the town of Chapel Hill will air a documentary about the renaming of Airport Rd.

Monday at noon and 7 p.m. Chapel Hillians can follow the process of how the town’s Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard came to be. The film includes the entire dedication as well as the various ceremonial activities associated with the event.

The film features speeches by former Mayor Kevin Foy, United Methodist Reverend Jill Edens, late Council Member Bill Thorpe and former president of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP president Fred Battle. Their powerful words are underscored by the music of the J.R. Manley Essence of God Youth Choir and the St. Joseph Male Chorus.

The 2005 spring day highlighted by the film marked Dr. King’s 45th anniversary visit to Chapel Hill. Monday, the town will celebrate Dr. King’s birthday for the 26th time. 

Chapel Hill was one of the first communities in North Carolina to declare Martin Luther King Jr. Day a municipal holiday. 

The film will air twice on Chapel Hill TV 18. 

-  Chapel Hill To Air Film About MLK Jr. Boulevard, 01/17/11 


Monday, January 17, 2011 - 2:00pm


The Peoples Channel

Tanger Outlets v. 140 West Franklin

This is a spin off from the current thread on economic development.  However, since I am addressing two specific items I thought new blog entry was warranted.

The useful life of a significant investment, be it an outlet mall or a residential/retail complex, has to range to at least 20-50 years for there to be an acceptable rate of return, particularly if governmental subsidies or tax incentives are included.  Therefore, a large investment like Tanger Outlets (just over the county line) or 140 West Franklin represents a bet on the future.  In the case of these two projects the bets on the future could not be more different.

The Tanger Outlet bet is that the future will be very much like the recent past in that low transporation costs will persist, allowing large volumes of goods to be transported long distances to a place where people get in their large personal vehicles and travel 10-100 miles to buy these goods.  In aligning themselves with this bet on the future Alamance County is arranging its infrastructure, tax base, and utility services to allow for car travel to shopping destinations along the highway.



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